First Crazy Pineapple Blog Launched

More and more people are starting to play poker online, and many variants are being started. One of these, Crazy Pineapple, has just had its own specialised blog launched recently.

Manchester, United Kingdom, November 28, 2006 --( With the crazy boom that poker has seen recently it seems that everyone has played online at some time or another. The most popular game is No Limit Texas Hold Em, due to the big tournaments shown on TV all the time. However, some players grow tired of it, as sometimes you just seem to be waiting hours for a good hand, and then when it arrives you lose anyway.

To quell some of this boredom, players are looking at variants of Poker. Some, such as Omaha Hi/Lo are quite well known, and others such as Razz, or Triple Draw, are only played on a few, select websites by a small but devoted band of followers.

One of the best new games online though is Crazy Pineapple. This is not a new poker game, long being a favourite at many casinos across America, but online it hasn't been played much at all. At the moment only two sites actually carry the game, although it is always popular there.

The way it works is very similar to holdem, except you receive 3 cards instead of 2. You then see a flop as per usual and after the betting you then discard one card . You are then left with two card and it carries on like a normal game of holdem.

Now Crazy Pineapple has its first blogsite set up to promote it and help with strategy for new players. Owner Jeff DeHavis set it up after he tried to find advice on it after stumbling across it by accident and discovered no strategy or tips pages.

The site, at offers the beginner everything he needs to know about this new game which is exciting poker players due to its increased likelihood of hitting good hands.

Jeff says, 'Getting 3 cards instead of 2 is great, as you get to play hands more often. You also get a lot more people in hands, which means more action, so you can take down some massive pots. It's a great break from holdem as well, and really strengthens your all-round play'

Who knows, maybe one day we'll see Crazy Pineapple make an appearance at a World Series of Poker.

Crazy Pineapple Blog
Jeff DeHavis