United States Outplacement Firm Founder Highlights Plight of the Forgotten Professional and Middle Ranking Management Job Seekers
Cheltenham, United Kingdom, May 31, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Scott Kane, Managing Partner of the US GreyHairManagement.com outplacement company today highlighted the company’s US experience with displaced executives where each $10,000 of compensation is equivalent to one month on the job hunting trail. Speaking at the launch in Cheltenham UK of GreyHairManagement.com, the company’s first European venture, he said “taking an equivalent pounds Sterling rate, the 60,000 pounds Sterling to 70,000 pounds Sterling earning executive will likely spend at least ten to twelve months before they get back into meaningful employment.” Paul Kelly, managing director of GHM Europe said: “Jobs will be tougher to secure, with statistics showing the experienced manager is equally if not actually harder hit by the recession and more likely to be unsuccessful for much longer periods in obtaining a new working position, and with just one in five likely to get a job within two years.”
“We have examined the Jobseeker’s allowance figures for the UK and they show a quite alarming trend in the last two years," Kelly said. "The latest figures we have relate to Dec 2009 – with for instance a 936% rise of Architects claiming benefit, 491% in Civil Engineers, 401% in Lawyers and 238% of management accountants and while percentages can often be accused of being slanted, you cannot ignore the fact that in a random list of 20 occupations amongst professional and middle ranking management job seekers, 26,430 more people are signing on year on year. And sadly I think we all know that these figures are only likely to go one way – up – when we get the 2010 figures.”
“At GreyHairManagement.com we endeavor to assist the manager in transition to return to work through tough love coupled with some hard reality checks and one to one coaching assistance in how to market themselves,” he continued. “We have a unique ten year proven programme from the US and now available here in the UK for the first time, Pathways Through Transition®, specifically geared towards the more senior professional job seeker. Consistently, 25 per cent of our US clients who complete the programme return to work in three to four months, and just on 70 per cent within six to seven months, and we are confident we will achieve these figures in our UK business.”
Kelly continued “We have recruited 15 of the country’s most highly qualified coaches who are going to work with us, geographically spread, which will allow us to locally help our clients throughout the UK. Put simply, we intend teaching people that getting a job, if you haven’t got a job, is now your full-time job. The only difference is the salary differential between your ‘requirements’ and the Jobseekers allowance – usually a few thousand pounds! But you still need to ‘work’ well beyond 35 hours a week to be successful in your job quest and frankly you will fail unless you treat it like that.”
GreyHairManagement.com tips:
- Remember that your next job will only last 1.8 to three years.
- Networking – there is an 80% chance your next job will come from someone you know but not necessarily someone you know today so get networking.
- Some 72% of the new hires are known to the hiring companies in advance.
Notes to Editors
- We will be happy to provide case studies of individuals who have completed the Pathways Through Transition® programme and secured senior positions.
- Scott Kane author of the best-selling book ‘Winning the Job Race’ is in the UK and free for interview until June 2 and the UK version is now on sale. After June 2nd we can still arrange interviews from the US company’s headquarters in Chicago
“We have examined the Jobseeker’s allowance figures for the UK and they show a quite alarming trend in the last two years," Kelly said. "The latest figures we have relate to Dec 2009 – with for instance a 936% rise of Architects claiming benefit, 491% in Civil Engineers, 401% in Lawyers and 238% of management accountants and while percentages can often be accused of being slanted, you cannot ignore the fact that in a random list of 20 occupations amongst professional and middle ranking management job seekers, 26,430 more people are signing on year on year. And sadly I think we all know that these figures are only likely to go one way – up – when we get the 2010 figures.”
“At GreyHairManagement.com we endeavor to assist the manager in transition to return to work through tough love coupled with some hard reality checks and one to one coaching assistance in how to market themselves,” he continued. “We have a unique ten year proven programme from the US and now available here in the UK for the first time, Pathways Through Transition®, specifically geared towards the more senior professional job seeker. Consistently, 25 per cent of our US clients who complete the programme return to work in three to four months, and just on 70 per cent within six to seven months, and we are confident we will achieve these figures in our UK business.”
Kelly continued “We have recruited 15 of the country’s most highly qualified coaches who are going to work with us, geographically spread, which will allow us to locally help our clients throughout the UK. Put simply, we intend teaching people that getting a job, if you haven’t got a job, is now your full-time job. The only difference is the salary differential between your ‘requirements’ and the Jobseekers allowance – usually a few thousand pounds! But you still need to ‘work’ well beyond 35 hours a week to be successful in your job quest and frankly you will fail unless you treat it like that.”
GreyHairManagement.com tips:
- Remember that your next job will only last 1.8 to three years.
- Networking – there is an 80% chance your next job will come from someone you know but not necessarily someone you know today so get networking.
- Some 72% of the new hires are known to the hiring companies in advance.
Notes to Editors
- We will be happy to provide case studies of individuals who have completed the Pathways Through Transition® programme and secured senior positions.
- Scott Kane author of the best-selling book ‘Winning the Job Race’ is in the UK and free for interview until June 2 and the UK version is now on sale. After June 2nd we can still arrange interviews from the US company’s headquarters in Chicago
Grey Hair Management Ltd
Paul Kelly
Mobile/Cell +447977044320
Paul Kelly
Mobile/Cell +447977044320
