Self Help for Depression and Anxiety

A new audio program on CD by a Paul McKenna trained life coach promises to eliminate depression and anxiety without spending years in counselling.

Nottingham, United Kingdom, December 02, 2006 --( Statistics show overwhelmingly that feelings of depression and generalised social anxiety symptoms are only getting worse. People are crying out for relief from negative emotions.

Unfortunately many therapists and psychoanalysts have thought that depression is an incurable illness and the symptoms can only be relieved with strong medication.

More and more however people are looking for alternative remedies and flicking to the Complementary Medicine section of their Yellow Pages, or tapping computer keys to seek the answer.

Life coach and author Michael J. Edwards is making available a whole range of Self Help Audio CD programs on his web site with positive talk and hypnosis techniques designed to help with specific problems.

Since launching his Personal Success Series, the Dump Depression hypnosis program has become the number one best-seller.

Michael uses astonishing new mental techniques taught to him by UK-hypnotist and ex-radio DJ Paul McKenna, in addition to NLP strategies invented by the creator of NLP Dr. Richard Bandler.

The benefit of listening is not instant happiness but according to Michael, "for the positive effects to really seep in and take root you should listen every day for 21 days."

Michael is absolutely confident of the effectiveness of his self help programs.

"If you are not 100% satisfied with the results you may return the CDs for a refund in full," Micheal says.

The Dump Depression CD has two audio tracks on it, each around 30 minutes long.

The first track is a positive talk life coaching session, which is the kind of talk that life coaches like Michael Edwards and Paul McKenna do when seeing a client in person. He explains certain strategies you can use whenever you feel depressed or anxious to transform those feelings into more positive ones.

The second track is a hypnotic trance which you should listen to with your eyes closed (and not while driving!). Michael relaxes you and makes suggestions that he believes will have a positive effect on your unconscious. All the words are synchronised with the music and 3D stereo effects (which work best when listening with headphones) that are designed to take you into a deeply relaxed state of awareness.

The theory is that the self help recording targets both the left and right sides of the brain, giving a whole-brain experience. The left side of the brain is associated with logical and analytical thought whilst the right brain is more creative and subjective. The result? Freedom from depression and anxiety!

At just £25.00 the Dump Depression self help audio program honestly is a wonderful investment for anyone who wants to put an end to bad feelings and negative thought patterns and put positive and helpful ones in their place for good.

Order the CD from where both PayPal and most credit/debit cards are accepted. Delivery is in 1 to 4 working days.

NowChange NLP Life Coach
Michael Edwards
44 115 9400 899