P-Pod is a New Image Library Focusing on Plants and Gardening Related Topics

p-pod.co.uk makes available 1000s of new plant and garden related images never before seen or found on any other site on the world wide web.

P-Pod is a New Image Library Focusing on Plants and Gardening Related Topics
Okehampton, United Kingdom, December 07, 2006 --(PR.com)-- P-Pod.co.uk Ltd is a new image library specializing in plants and other garden related photographs. Created by horticultural professionals, all images are accurately named and identified and the site contains many rare and unusual photographs of garden plants, wildflowers, fungi and design elements. The site is designed to be simple to use and access, images can be found by searching by name (latin or common), by season or month even colour or shape. It's designed for use either by experienced journalists, editors working in a garden related field or designers, artists with little or no gardening knowledge. Whilst P-Pod is a UK based company, images are being gathered from all over the world, at present the majority are European based.

Tim Argles, Managing Director of P-pod, announced, "Over the last few years digital imagery has improved and overtaken the traditional transparency, plants being such a huge diverse field are ideally suited for this medium the world wide web is obvious place to display these beautiful images."

P-Pod.co.uk Ltd has been three years in the making, collecting and cataloguing images from Spain to Scotland. It contains many rare plants photographed in their natural setting, e.g. orchids or toadstools. The company also, where possible, tries to offer the maximum choice, whether it is a portrait or landscape, close up or a drift, the company believes in letting you make the choice.

The site is being constantly updated with new images arriving on a weekly basis. By the autumn of 2007 it is expected that the site will contain between 70.000 to 100.000 images.

The company believes that by specialising it can offer not only the most comprehensive range but the expertise that goes with years spent in the horticultural industry. This will allow the market quick and easy access to what they require.

P-Pod.co.uk Ltd offers a completely new range of plant and garden images that are not available on any other site.

If you would like to receive regular updates please let them know at P-Pod.co.uk

P-Pod.co.uk Ltd
Tim Argles
01837 659333