My Ivy Leaguer Has Innovative Solution to the Stress for Families Surrounding College Applications

With My Ivy Leaguer, parents are signing up for a new breed of after-school assistance: the live-in tutor. Most tutors have Ivy League degrees and some teaching experience. While some believe that this is simply the next step in an increasingly competitive academic landscape, others will be surprised to discover the motivations of the parents that sign up for these tutors; they are far from purely academic.

New York, NY, June 30, 2010 --( College application season can be a very stressful time for any family. Preparing for the SATs, filling out applications, taking AP classes, writing essays—it seems as if the to-do list for a high school junior/senior never ends. Perhaps the biggest victim of all this stress and excessive workload is the family dynamic. While parents have the best of intentions when guiding their children through the application process, one only has to examine the average high school family to realize that these intentions create tension. Children start to resent their parents, feeling that they are overstepping their bounds and becoming too involved in their lives. Parents become frustrated with their children, wondering why they aren’t giving more attention to such an important process. In the past, this was simple a fact of life. However, Enrichment Tutors, a New York-based educational firm, provides a new and innovative way to solve this long-standing problem.

The Enrichment Tutoring program offers families the ultimate tutoring experience: a live-in tutor, mentor, and role model, available to them at any time of the day. It doesn’t matter where a prospective client may live; Enrichment Tutors serves every region of the country and the world. Currently, there are Enrichment Tutors placed everywhere from New York City to Hawaii to Shanghai. Everyone who works for Enrichment Tutors is an Ivy League graduate with years of teaching experience, 99th percentile test scores, and an extensive list of references. Their tutors help with everything from SAT prep and homework assistance to extracurricular support and application development. Families able to afford an Enrichment Tutor are procuring an around-the-clock support system for their children.

While Enrichment Tutors was founded to improve students’ grades and test scores, they were shocked to find out what the main benefit of their service truly was: improving the family dynamic and easing tension and stress among students and their parents alike. Anthony Green, president of The Private Tutoring Group, Enrichment Tutors’ parent company, had this to say: “I’ve been shocked by how much these families have changed after even a month of signing up - while I used to hear arguments in the background and stressed out voices, now I’m hearing calm parents and ambient discussions. Parents bring up their students’ improved scores, grades, etc., but they expected those results - what I’m hearing, more than anything else, is that the change in their home environment is more beneficial than 10,000 hours of tutoring ever could be.”

The main job of an Enrichment Tutor is to discover and foster the strengths of his or her student, while minimizing and working around his or her weaknesses. Enrichment Tutors are able to pay close attention to detail and to discover their students’ learning styles and preferences, and then alter their lesson plans accordingly. Because the tutors are spending so much time with their students and are monitoring their progress so closely, they effectively act as a middle-man between parents and students, mediating disputes and eliminating the need for nagging and pressure on the part of the parents. A current client of Enrichment Tutors, who is using the service in Hawaii for his two children, had this to say: “My 13 year old son is reading Homer and other classics along with routine discussion of NY Times articles, and my daughter is deep into Chemistry, Math, and Debate; the dynamic in the household is smooth, happy, and delightful, not typical for a couple of teenagers. The immediate availability of discussion, explanation, and critique is progressive and eliminate [my and my wife’s] need to criticize, monitor, or pester our children.”

For parents looking to ease the tension, stress, and strained relationships that the application process can foster, Enrichment Tutors provides a solution. Parents no longer have to stress about their children’s grades and scores because they know that someone else in their home is already doing this for them full-time. Better yet, students no longer have to associate their parents with SATs, homework, college advice, and pestering. Enrichment Tutors certainly isn’t for everyone, but for any family feeling the strain of this difficult time period, it could be exactly what they were looking for.

About Enrichment Tutors
Enrichment Tutors is a division of The Private Tutoring Group, which also includes My Ivy Leaguer. Using one-on-one tutoring methods, they are dedicated to improving the grades, scores, and self-confidence of their students. Email or or call (877) 708 8867 for more information on Enrichment Tutors and My Ivy Leaguer.

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