Debut Author Shawn Wickens Releases Groundbreaking Study on Mating Habits of the American Virgin in "How to Lose your Virginity (…and how not to)"

Interviewing over 1,000 People Nationwide, Wickens’ Six-Year Project Culminates in Stories of the Shocking and Humorous, the Dangerous and Scandalous. Ten percent of book proceeds will benefit the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN).

New York, NY, July 02, 2010 --( Shawn Wickens; the Cleveland-born, New York-based window-washer, comedian and author; is pleased to announce completion of his first book How to Lose your Virginity (…and how not to): Shocking, Humorous, Dangerous, Sweet & Scandalous Stories of the First time Taken from 1,000 Face-to-Face Interviews. The book is available for order at, and 10% of book proceeds will benefit the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN).

“Most people consider their own stories pretty lame, but whenever someone else told theirs, the crowd was captivated—as was I,” explained Wickens. “Some of the stories are really incredible. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.”

How to Lose your Virginity (…and how not to) is the culmination of six-years-worth of interviews of over 1,000 people from throughout the United States. Wickens traveled up and down both coasts and conducted interviews in such cities as Denver, New Orleans, Austin, Memphis, Des Moines, Reno, Roswell and many others.

“I was doing interviews in San Francisco when I met a woman who said I’d previously approached her and her friends in New York,” said Wickens. “She was skeptical but her friends shared. She figured I was legit if I was on the other side of the country still doing interviews, so she shared her story that second time.”

Wickens developed the idea for How to Lose your Virginity (…and how not to) after seeing the German film Mein Bruder, der Vampir (2001), translated “My Brother, the Vampire,” at the 27th Annual Cleveland International Film Festival. Wickens has also been fascinated with an idea he came across once in a college psych class: learned helplessness, the notion that presented with constant and negative stimulus, we learn to accept or feel that we have no control over a situation.

“The anecdotes are honest, truthful and oftentimes physically and emotionally painful,” said Keith Huang, one of the book’s photo contributors. “This book wasn't written with one-upmanship in mind—it’s about chronicling a fundamental rite of passage everyone shares. And Wickens has done well in his search for stories of all stripes.”

Wickens’ process involved transcribing over 1,000 interviews, selecting stories for the book, editing the stories for length and preparing his book manuscript. To cover the country, Wickens made multiple treks, including a month-and-a-half-long road trip from Cleveland to Los Angeles and back.

“Numerous interviewees thanked me for the opportunity to share their stories,” said Wickens. “There's power in retelling your story—in retelling anything about the past, really. Some people need to get the weight off their shoulders, and others thought that readers could learn from their experiences.”

About Shawn Wickens
Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Shawn is a graduate of the Second City Cleveland Conservatory. After the theater closed, he moved to New York City where he has warmed up audiences at Blue Man Group and worked at the production offices of Troma Films. His writing has been honored by the LA Horror Film Festival, 48 Hr Film Festival, and a contest judged by Human Giant.

Shawn works in Manhattan as a residential window washer (see photo at left) and performs improv at the Magnet Theater and Peoples Improv Theater, among other venues throughout the city. His improv group, Junior Varsity, performs every Thursday night at the Magnet Theater and has travelled to comedy festivals in North Carolina, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Providence and Toronto.

Shawn’s debut book, How to Lose your Virginity (…and how not to), is available at Shawn is currently working on his second book.

Shawn Wickens
Louis Caravella