Insider's Secrets To Identity Theft: What They Don't Want You to Know

See how businesses are assisting criminals in this crime for a profit. In-depth, detailed, day-to-day activities with a criminal on how they pulled off this crime and obtained your information from the most unsuspecting places.

Miami, FL, December 12, 2006 --( T. Carter aims to notify and finally make Americans aware of the secrets of Identity Theft through Insider's Secrets To Identity Theft: What They Don’t Want You To Know. What better person to tell you how it’s done, where your information was obtained from, than a person that has mastered this crime.

T. Carter reveals never before told secrets of Identity Theft and how it really happens from an insider’s point of view.

Insider's Secrets To Identity Theft: What They Don’t Want You To Know is the very first non-fiction book that gives in-depth, detailed information, with day-to-day activities on how this crime is committed, where information is really obtained—which is from places most would NEVER suspect, and what is really being done about it.

As an expert in this crime, with inside tips, T. Carter wrote this book to truly open the eyes of many that have a misconception of this crime, and for those that take this lightly. Read the everyday things that Americans do, that they never give much thought to, that will and does cause them to become victim.

Identity Theft & Fraud is the wave and crime of today. She’ll show you why this crime can and will never be stopped. Too many stand to gain when this crime is committed—and not only criminals. See how businesses profit from this crime.

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T. Carter has nearly 5 years experience in this crime, with inside tips that will help America protect themselves. She attended Phoenix University majoring in Accounting.

Media Contact: T. Carter,, (786) 985-3894

Theresa Carteris
T. Carter