Leisure Industry Growth: a New Approach to Specialised Consultancy

Innovation and creativity is now starting to play a crucial role in the Leisure industry, as reaction of the changes in demographic indicators and new trends in the consumerĀ“s decision making criteria. This opens up an important chance for specialised consultancy companies, a growing market.

Madrid, Spain, December 14, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Ocio Dinamico Consulting Group, a brand that has just started operations in Spain, belongs to the company Ocio Dinamico SL. This company also owns the brand Fun Time in Spain, specialised in short but fun immersions in the Spanish language.

With a population of 44 million, Spain receives yearly 55 million tourists. In year 2005, this was about 10% of the internal gross revenue, and experts forecast for year 2010 a growth to 75 million visitors and a 16% revenue.

In the world´s 3rd most visited country, just after France and the U.S., there are over 328.000 cafeterias and restaurants – one per each 134 inhabitants. Therefore it is an important market when the related industries like hotelry, food & beverage and tourism in Spain have a promising way ahead to reach weight-equivalent standards of quality management and regular training programs.

To attend the different needs, Ocio Dinamico Consulting Group teams up a group of professionals from the Leisure, Food & Beverage, Tourism, Entertainment, Events & Shows, Marketing and Management industries. These different approaches make it possible for the clients to get a competitive edge through innovation and better management systems.

Technology plays a fundamental role in today's Leisure habits: in Spain, Nielsen/NetRatings reports that the number of persons visiting this kind of informative web sites is growing this year at a 28,2 % compared to 2005, totalling 11 million – 1 out of 4 Spaniards.

As every business has its own features and war stories, there is not a “Use-for-all Manual” to be put into practice, but an extremely customized analysis of the situation. Maybe one company is in need of management systems, or client identification, marketing approach or even urges a total reengineering. Whatever needs to be done, will be done with sound expertise, human approach and revenue-oriented strategy.

The steady growth of the European Union makes it possible to find surprising allies and suppliers. The small and medium companies are particularly shy in this sense, and therefore Ocio Dinamico Consulting Group encourages the international relations.

Ocio Dinamico Grupo Consultor
Alberto Losada