Scout Declares It's Time to Revise the Boy Scout Law

Boy Scout Jacob Wittren goes beyond the Boy Scout Law to help needy members of his community.

New York, NY, December 14, 2006 --( The Boy Scout Law says that a scout must be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, and more.  But one scout, Jacob Wittren, 13,  goes above and beyond that.  He is industrious, enterprising and entrepreneurial.  In addition to being a 7th grader at Ron Russle Middle School, David Douglas School District and a member of Cascade Pacific Council, Thunderbird District's Boy Scout Troop 108, he has been involved in the Bedsidebooks Program.  This is a student run program that collects, sorts and distributes books to local charities.  This is his second year involved in the program and he has been the top collector both years.  He and his troop can earn up to $450 for their efforts (a side benefit Jacob observed: "One good thing I am getting muscles carrying all these boxes").  In the past year Jacob has collected over 7000 books, which will find their way into places like the Neighborhood House Senior Center (S.W Portland), the Albertina Kerr Centers (a facility that works with children with emotional/mental health issues), Snow-CAP Community Charities (a coalition of groups that aid families in need), WTW Christian Academy and Wattles Boys and Girls Club (an  afternoon recreational center for low income children).

When Jacob was asked how he had collected so many books, he said, "When I want something, then I go all out to get it."  Indeed, in addition to contacting family, friends and neighbors he used the internet to contact people and hit pay dirt with one organization.  When he went to pick up the books, he discovered that they had thousands of books for him.  There were enough books for many pickup trucks.  These books came from the Friends of the Camas Public Library.  Jacob owes a sincere debt of gratitude to Jason Masuoka, President of the Friends organization, who helped make this holiday season special for so many people in need.

When he started to bring the books home, he was shocked and said, "Where are we going to put all of them?"  Jacob is being helped by the members of Troop 108, 3 long time family friends, his sister Kasi and of course his mom and dad who assisted him in finding a place to store the books in their soon to be finished family room.  When they get to use it themselves is anybody's guess.

Other students interested in participating in Bedsidebooks can find out more information at .

Bedsidebooks, Inc.
Raphael Spiro