SimplyHireACar Sponsored Student Expedition Conquers Quilotoa Crater

On the 5th July the Herschel Grammar School 2010 World Challenge Team landed in Quito, Ecuador. Since then the 11 students (aged 15 to 18) and 3 Adults have reached the halfway mark of their Expedition exploring the wonders of this amazing country.

London, United Kingdom, July 21, 2010 --( This young group of explorers have trekked to the top of the “Ilao peak” south of Quito, travelled onto La Luna and up to the high altitude Mojanda Lakes, and visited the colourful market of Zumbahau.

The Team have trailed along the edge of a desert canyon through a pine forest to the Quilotoa crater where they circumnavigated the crater rim with its stunning views of the emerald green lake. They journeyed from Quilotoa to Chuchilan venturing into the nearby cloud forest with its steep slopes and dense vegetation, and countless waterfalls. From there the Team returned to Machachi, a town near ‘Valley of the Volcanoes’ and the entrance to the Cotopaxi National Park.

By now, these young seasoned explorers have also attempted to summit Ruminahui Volcano at a height of over 15000 feet above sea level. After all this, the students still have much to look forward to.

The next stage of the students Expedition is four days of cabana life in one of the best preserved rainforests in Ecuador. There they will explore the jungle on foot and by river with local guides providing expert knowledge on the flora and fauna. Then out of the forest, and on to white-water rafting in Tena for a little R & R.

The team will then be moving onto Puma Ruin where they will start their 6 days of hard work on a community project at Puma Ruin making a genuine contribution to the needs of the local community. Continuing on from previous World Challenge Expeditions, the Team will be sourcing local materials to build a much needed brick wall between a local school and a busy road. Then if time permits they will start refurbishment on 2 classrooms.

After two days of well deserved rest and relaxation at the hot springs and thermal baths of Papallacta, the Herschel Grammar School 2010 World Challenge Team will begin their journey home. is proud and honoured to have contributed some sponsorship to the Team’s two years of fundraising which has enabled this life changing experience.

Katie Shac
0844 5890989