Rescott Marketing Introduces New Revolutionary Marketing Technology
Rescott has combined the popularity, power and features of the Rescott virtual book costing thousands of dollars and created a unique and revolutionary Business Identity Promotion package at a substantial savings.
Indianapolis, IN, July 24, 2010 --( Rescott Marketing & Technology is a leader in new media marketing. For 14 years, they have worked with clients to design and implement successful sales, marketing & technology augmentation strategies. Some of the strategies may include new media marketing, web development, lead generation solutions, just to name a few. But to introduce a new marketing tool at a price point that any organization can afford what Rescott is hoping to achieve with their recent introduction.
That powerful tool Rescott is introducing is the virtual book. Rescott's virtual books are very unique, powerful, and can bring a whole new awareness to potential and current clients. Rescott’s clients use them to email to customers, burn them to CD for trade shows or open houses, and upload to web sites as downloadables or web pages.
What is a Rescott virtual book? Rescott virtual books are a new media publishing medium that allows a customer to distribute their organzation’s information in a completely unique and engaging format. What they are not is an Adobe PDF document, which are often shown in portrait sized 8 ½ x 11, making the document difficult to read without scrolling. Plus, a PDF is very limited in the power provided to the end user.
Rescott virtual books are different. They look like a book, and are read in the natural way- up to down, left to right. A virtual book fits on a computer monitor and can be presented in a stand alone format as .EXE and .DNL self running books, or as web pages with no need for HTML, ASP or other programming knowledge. When a customer presents their digital web books as web pages, the end user can detach them and turn them into stand alone Rescott virtual books, forward the virtual book to another user by email, edit the contents, and print the virtual book.
Rescott can even make virtual books come alive by embedding or streaming video, audio and flash in the virtual book. The virtual book can come alive with demo or training videos, music, flash animations, online tests, and more.
Plus, a new technology introduced in the Rescott virtual book is called streaming data (SD) technology. With SD, Rescott can store data on their servers, and when data is updated such as in a company’s annual report, Rescott pushes the data out so that all of the company’s annual reports reflect the new information- there’s no need to redistribute virtual books or print materials.
Normally, custom virtual books can run anywhere between $1000-$3000 depending on the customization and capabilities they build into them, and even at that price point, clients are still convinced that it’s worth the money.
Toby Reeves, President of Rescott, stated in a recent product introduction, "We had a number of clients who just wanted a virtual book that told others about their business in a different way, but didn't want to pay thousands of dollars for a completely custom book. So, we created the Business Identity promotion just for those types of businesses."
What Rescott has done is create a promotion for an 8 page business identity virtual book that includes some of the capabilities of the more expensive creations but at a price point far lower than complete custom books- at just $179. At that price point, it gives the customer a chance to add an additional marketing tool for their business, and they can try out Rescott's new media talents without spending a lot of money.
Of course, Rescott can add additional features for a modest fee to help create a multimedia effect to the end user. In fact, on their web site, there is a link to a virtual book they created titled “Great Ideas!” which has pages and pages highlighting the advanced capabilities of a virtual book, including interactivity, games, audio books, image editing on the fly, online tests and so on.
Rescott's web site is Click on the Promo button in the center for more information on the $179 promotion, to view an actual Promo Sample, and securely order online.
About Rescott: Since 1996, Rescott LLC Marketing & Technology has provided leading edge new media technologies such as web based applications, internet marketing, video over internet, and results-focused marketing consulting.
Using these technologies in conjunction with other solutions they use, Rescott provides corporate image making and wealth building by helping clients double the number of qualified sales leads, reducing expenses by 10%, increasing brand loyalty & customer retention by up to 25%, and increase top line revenues by up to 5% annually. Rescott’s web site is
That powerful tool Rescott is introducing is the virtual book. Rescott's virtual books are very unique, powerful, and can bring a whole new awareness to potential and current clients. Rescott’s clients use them to email to customers, burn them to CD for trade shows or open houses, and upload to web sites as downloadables or web pages.
What is a Rescott virtual book? Rescott virtual books are a new media publishing medium that allows a customer to distribute their organzation’s information in a completely unique and engaging format. What they are not is an Adobe PDF document, which are often shown in portrait sized 8 ½ x 11, making the document difficult to read without scrolling. Plus, a PDF is very limited in the power provided to the end user.
Rescott virtual books are different. They look like a book, and are read in the natural way- up to down, left to right. A virtual book fits on a computer monitor and can be presented in a stand alone format as .EXE and .DNL self running books, or as web pages with no need for HTML, ASP or other programming knowledge. When a customer presents their digital web books as web pages, the end user can detach them and turn them into stand alone Rescott virtual books, forward the virtual book to another user by email, edit the contents, and print the virtual book.
Rescott can even make virtual books come alive by embedding or streaming video, audio and flash in the virtual book. The virtual book can come alive with demo or training videos, music, flash animations, online tests, and more.
Plus, a new technology introduced in the Rescott virtual book is called streaming data (SD) technology. With SD, Rescott can store data on their servers, and when data is updated such as in a company’s annual report, Rescott pushes the data out so that all of the company’s annual reports reflect the new information- there’s no need to redistribute virtual books or print materials.
Normally, custom virtual books can run anywhere between $1000-$3000 depending on the customization and capabilities they build into them, and even at that price point, clients are still convinced that it’s worth the money.
Toby Reeves, President of Rescott, stated in a recent product introduction, "We had a number of clients who just wanted a virtual book that told others about their business in a different way, but didn't want to pay thousands of dollars for a completely custom book. So, we created the Business Identity promotion just for those types of businesses."
What Rescott has done is create a promotion for an 8 page business identity virtual book that includes some of the capabilities of the more expensive creations but at a price point far lower than complete custom books- at just $179. At that price point, it gives the customer a chance to add an additional marketing tool for their business, and they can try out Rescott's new media talents without spending a lot of money.
Of course, Rescott can add additional features for a modest fee to help create a multimedia effect to the end user. In fact, on their web site, there is a link to a virtual book they created titled “Great Ideas!” which has pages and pages highlighting the advanced capabilities of a virtual book, including interactivity, games, audio books, image editing on the fly, online tests and so on.
Rescott's web site is Click on the Promo button in the center for more information on the $179 promotion, to view an actual Promo Sample, and securely order online.
About Rescott: Since 1996, Rescott LLC Marketing & Technology has provided leading edge new media technologies such as web based applications, internet marketing, video over internet, and results-focused marketing consulting.
Using these technologies in conjunction with other solutions they use, Rescott provides corporate image making and wealth building by helping clients double the number of qualified sales leads, reducing expenses by 10%, increasing brand loyalty & customer retention by up to 25%, and increase top line revenues by up to 5% annually. Rescott’s web site is
Rescott, LLC Marketing and Technology
Toby Reeves
Toby Reeves
