ArtVersion Corporate Greeting Cards Combine a Powerful Marketing Tool with Customized Communication for Every Occasion
Whether it’s a holiday greeting, birthday wish, business reminder or anything in between, ArtVersion is stepping up the way businesses communicate with one another and their customers
Northfield, IL, December 15, 2006 --( In recent years, the growing trend of corporate greeting cards has become an important step in letting both colleagues and customers know that they are appreciated. Having begun designing greeting cards in 1999, ArtVersion first launched an exclusive line of specialized corporate greeting cards in 2000. Since that time, the company’s professional artistry has shown through with a combination of customized cards that reflect the sender’s company image with a personal touch.
When used properly, corporate greeting cards can be a very powerful marketing tool for companies of all types and sizes. While attracting repeat business, the use of corporate greeting cards can also increase referrals and remind customers where their patronage will always be appreciated. According to the company’s mission statement, “At ArtVersion, our mission is to help small, medium and large businesses and organizations with all of their graphic/visual communication needs.” Whether a company is small, large, quaint or upscale, frequent business mailings are a terrific way to stay fresh in the minds of those who mean the most to the success of any organization - the customers.
“With special needs in corporate communications, we learned to tailor our cards to both business-to-business and business-to-customer needs, with our professionally created images,” states ArtVersion. “Our highly skilled artists are experienced in tailoring corporate images and artwork for every special occasion, whether it be an anniversary, birthday, seasonal wish, invitation, thank you or a reminder note.” In an effort to provide each customer with a unique design that encompasses the business and their intended message, ArtVersion will “work in consultation with you and your staff to ensure that every design reflects the company image and personal touch that your clients have come to know and appreciated.”
For most companies, budgeting expenses is an important aspect of success. To that end, ArtVersion recognizes the need for a quality product at an affordable price. “We pride ourselves on developing strong and long-term relationships with our clients, responding to their individual priorities with solutions that are tailored to their requirements, time-frames and budgets,” according to the company. “We believe in the ‘WOW’ factor for every project we undertake, including those with limited budgets.”
ArtVersion’s exclusive line of corporate greeting cards measure 5" x 7" and note cards measure 4-1/4" x 5-1/2". Custom messages can be created for the inside of the cards at no additional charge. In addition, logo imprints are available to allow for instant recognition when a colleague or customer opens the card. For additional information, including pricing, availability and delivery times, please visit website.
When used properly, corporate greeting cards can be a very powerful marketing tool for companies of all types and sizes. While attracting repeat business, the use of corporate greeting cards can also increase referrals and remind customers where their patronage will always be appreciated. According to the company’s mission statement, “At ArtVersion, our mission is to help small, medium and large businesses and organizations with all of their graphic/visual communication needs.” Whether a company is small, large, quaint or upscale, frequent business mailings are a terrific way to stay fresh in the minds of those who mean the most to the success of any organization - the customers.
“With special needs in corporate communications, we learned to tailor our cards to both business-to-business and business-to-customer needs, with our professionally created images,” states ArtVersion. “Our highly skilled artists are experienced in tailoring corporate images and artwork for every special occasion, whether it be an anniversary, birthday, seasonal wish, invitation, thank you or a reminder note.” In an effort to provide each customer with a unique design that encompasses the business and their intended message, ArtVersion will “work in consultation with you and your staff to ensure that every design reflects the company image and personal touch that your clients have come to know and appreciated.”
For most companies, budgeting expenses is an important aspect of success. To that end, ArtVersion recognizes the need for a quality product at an affordable price. “We pride ourselves on developing strong and long-term relationships with our clients, responding to their individual priorities with solutions that are tailored to their requirements, time-frames and budgets,” according to the company. “We believe in the ‘WOW’ factor for every project we undertake, including those with limited budgets.”
ArtVersion’s exclusive line of corporate greeting cards measure 5" x 7" and note cards measure 4-1/4" x 5-1/2". Custom messages can be created for the inside of the cards at no additional charge. In addition, logo imprints are available to allow for instant recognition when a colleague or customer opens the card. For additional information, including pricing, availability and delivery times, please visit website.
Art Version
Goran Paunovic
Goran Paunovic
