Tummy Trouble? Try Eating Mud, Says FitMentorMD.com

FitMentorMD reveals a little known, but centuries old, secret that maintains digestive health, both safely and effectively.

Austin, TX, September 29, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Although it may seem bizarre to most readers, FitMentorMD.com recently highlighted the healing benefits of eating mud for digestion, clay to be exact.

Clay, which is simply a special form of common mud, has been noted for centuries by many different cultures, to benefit gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea, diverticulitis, food poisoning, ulcers and hemorrhoids. Although the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians all believed in the powers of Clay, the earliest recorded mention of clay as a healing remedy can be found in the ancient texts of Ayurvedic medicine, the healing tradition of India that originated approximately 5,000 years ago. In fact, one type of clay in particular, known as smectite, is prized by over 200 cultures around the world because of its healing properties.

“It may seem a little strange,” says the Medical Director of FitMentorMD.com, “but there is a lot of science that shows that these cultures knew what they were talking about.” Smectite and other healing clays can help to improve and maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract due to two equally important properties that such forms of clay possess. These properties are adsorption and absorption. Adsorption refers to the process by which clay attracts toxins within our bodies and causes them to stick to its surface. Absorption describes how, just like a paper towel absorbs water, clay absorbs some toxins that are removed by the adsorption.

In these ways, a few simple types of clay can help with a long list of ailments, including allergies, anemia, arthritis, bad breath, chronic fatigue, gum disease, hay fever, headache, liver disease, menstrual problems, prostate problems and skin conditions. Its rich supply of diastases (enzymes) also enrich the blood’s oxygen supply and clear it of impurities which helps to protect the heart. But not all clay is the same. So FitMentorMD do not recommend members start chewing on their kid’s clay from school. At least not until they find out what kind it is.

FitMentorMD.com, a brand new health and wellness website, provides its members with a variety of current nutrition and supplement articles as well as other information and news for members and the general public. FitMentorMD also offers frequently updated features available without a password include health and beauty, nutrition and supplements, stress management, and exercise advice, all with an innovative non-traditional focus intended to complement mainstream beliefs and practices.

For example, “Health Conditions A-Z” (members.fitmentormd.com/conditions) contains self-care methods for preventing and relieving symptoms of many of the most common health conditions. Of course, the information provided at FitMentorMD.com is intended for users’ general knowledge only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.

After years of experience in the alternative health industry, FitMentorMD’s founders realized that consumers want more than a quick, temporary fix from a pill or crash diet. FitMentorMD has quickly become the fastest-growing members-only self-care website, where consumers can receive support for their healthy lifestyle goals while learning about health and wellness in an online environment uninfluenced by pharmaceutical advertising.

Source: http://members.fitmentormd.com/feature_articles/good_clay.php

Cathy Jennings