New Book Uses Humor to Talk About Animal Cruelty

Gregory Lee White's new book CLUCKED educates about chicken cruelty while making its readers laugh at the same time.

Nashville, TN, August 01, 2010 --( In his new book CLUCKED – The Tale of Pickin Chicken, Tennessee author Gregory Lee White takes on the factory chicken industry by looking through the eyes of the chicken.

“Sometimes, you have to make people laugh to get them to listen,” says White. “Nobody wants to learn about animal cruelty. Let’s face it, PETA documentaries and commercials for animal shelters are real downers. I think most people just switch the channel.” White wants to educate people about this area of animal cruelty by entertaining them with his writing. “I think it holds their attention,” says White.

The main character, Pickin, is a free-range chicken who lives on a happy farm. When a freak accident lands her on a commercial chicken farm, she embarks on an odyssey through the poultry sheds inhabited by de-beaked chicks and abused battery hens in dirty overcrowded conditions. The book reads like a children’s story but with an adult voice. When Pickin meets the hormone bloated broiler hens she asks one of them about her breasts, “Are those real?” One of the caged battery hens, daydreams about Chef Jamie Oliver (Food Revolution) bringing his camera crew to rescue her.

White became interested in the topic after seeing the Academy Award nominated documentary, Food Inc. “We didn’t eat meat for two weeks after seeing it,” says White. Now, when he and his partner do choose to eat meat, it comes from local farmers. He is also a part of a trend that is sweeping the U.S. raising four hens of his own. “Even in urban locations like New York City, people have chicken coops on roof tops.”

About the Book:
CLUCKED – The Tale of Pickin Chicken
Available on
Publisher: Createspace
Pub date: July 23, 2010
Price: $9.95
52 pages
ISBN: 1453715347

About the Author:
Gregory Lee White was born in Owensboro, Kentucky in 1967. He began writing fiction at the age of nine and was published in various magazines by the age of fourteen. He works as a professional writer and aromatherapist in Nashville, Tennessee.

Gregory Lee White