Energy Independence is Within America’s Grasp – Could a Ruthless Executive Prevent This from Happening?

A Romanov Returns is a fast paced novel dealing with the current energy needs of America and the political realities of global markets.

Escondido, CA, December 20, 2006 --( Outskirts Press announces the publication of a novel by Robert T. Burson.

Mikail Romanov carries a royal name. But does he carry royal blood? If he is elected as President of Russia to whom will he answer? The Russian mob, his own ideals or is there someone else?

America is on the brink of achieving energy independence or is it? Will our old Russian enemy interfere with this goal or is there a new villain willing to do it for profit? National Security agent Mike Williams is transferred out of the Beltway and into a mess. Murders, strange illnesses and people with ill defined ties to Russia keep falling into his path. Will Mike and his girlfriend, Kate figure out the connections before there are more murders and the energy secrets are lost?

Bob Burson, a practicing CPA, weaves a tale combining his years of business experience with today’s headlines of American energy dependence.

Author Contact:
Robert Burson; 836 Needlerock Place, Escondido, CA 92025;

Book information:
ISBN: 1598007831
Retail Price(s): $13.95
Size and Format(s): 5x8 paperback
Page Count: 384 pages
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor,,,

Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704