A New Book Providing Missing Links Between Your Energy and Dreams - "Secrets of Creative Living"

New York, NY, December 23, 2006 --(PR.com)-- After years of spiritual study and reflection, inspirational speaker and author Santosh Kunte has emerged a highly esteemed coach. The book contains small snippets for contemplation. This shall open new understanding and new consciousness and provide the missing link between reality and manifestation. This shall prove creative tool in your attempt to give reality to the vision of your heart. This book comes out of authors experience and wisdom of countless beings. This book shall be companion to be visited on and off and the message shall take roots in time.

This book might help readers land a better job, but it's more relevant for those who are ready to detach from an ego-driven life filled with quick fixes of happiness and step into a more authentic, joyful, and spiritually fulfilling life.

His core teachings speak to tapping into a universal source of energy. He calls people who are consciously co-creating with this energy source "conscious creators" and describes them as "creative individuals.” "Conscious creators" are also committed to Santosh’s "Secrets of Creative Living"- creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance and receptivity, which he speaks to throughout the book.

Each page has small snippets for becoming stronger "conscious creators", such as how to monitor one's inner speech or shift out of low-energy. It is obvious that Santosh has tapped into a growing conversation about co-creating with "source." Other leading-edge voices in this conversation include Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now), Shakti Gawain (Creative Visualization ) and Lynn Grabhorn (Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting). - Gail Hudson

Santosh Kunte