ReferenceSure Announces Launch of Website That Gives Job-Seekers the Ability to Have Their Resumes Verified

Company Believes This New Resume Verification Service Will Give Its Users the Ability to Stand Apart from Their Competition in the Job Search

Ladera Ranch, CA, August 18, 2010 --( ReferenceSure today announced the official launch of, a website developed specifically to give users the ability to have their resumes pre-screened and verified, allowing them to jump to the head of the line in their job search.

“With more people across the country applying for fewer jobs, it becomes vital that job-seekers become proactive and creative in order to stand out from their competition in the job market,” said Matt Robinson. “This is exactly why we created ReferenceSure and developed the Resume and Reference Verification Report, to give applicants the ability to show employers that their resumes are true and accurate representations of who they are and that they are indeed qualified and motivated applicants.”

The objective of the site is not only to help job-seekers find a job faster by proving they are who they say they are, but also to give employers and recruiters comfort in knowing that they are interviewing qualified candidates whose resumes have been verified, saving employers and recruiters time and money.

“When explaining the benefits of the company, we simply describe a scenario where 10 applicants have applied for the same position. With everything else being relatively equal among the qualified applicants, and if one of the applicants provides a link to or hard copy of their ReferenceSure Resume and Reference Verification Report, showing that their resume and references have been validated, who would that employer likely decide to interview or hire first? We strongly believe that they would choose the ReferenceSure user,” says Matt Robinson.

Each Resume and Reference Verification Report verifies items such as employment history, including job title, duration, duties and salary, education history, including schools, years attended, degree attained, GPA, and even professional credentials such as CPA, CFA, Series 7, and more. Reports require an access key to view, giving the job-seeker control over who views their report.

The ReferenceSure team consists of SPHR certified human resources professionals, as well as sales and marketing professionals, with combined experience of more than 40 years in areas such as hiring, recruitment and background and reference checks and is committed to helping job-seekers, employers and recruiters.

For more information, please visit ReferenceSure at

Matt Robinson