Trufflenet Examines Ground Zero Mosque Debate Online: Leading UK Online Strategist and Monitoring Agency Rates Sentiment and Most Popular Links

New York, NY, August 21, 2010 --( Trufflenet, a leading online strategist and social media monitoring firm, that recently launched in the US, completed a three-day analysis of online debate about the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, including an evaluation of videos, links to stories and Twitter posts related to the mosque debate.

From August 17-19 an aggressive online search was conducted that matched “Ground Zero Mosque” with the key search terms President Obama, Offense to 9/11 Victims, Religious Freedom, and Republicans. The results found over 10,000 items with 2,535 relevant matches. See the charts on the following page that show how online sentiment for the mosque (positive) compared with those against the mosque (negative) and those that were neutral with each search term.

Further, as of 6am on Friday, August 20, 2010 Trufflenet ranked the most viewed videos, Twitter links to news stories and comments on the most popular news stories (see attached file).

“The most interesting finding related to top news and blog links and videos is that those who are opposed to the site are relying on “stop the stealth jihad” video and “The Flopping Aces” blog posts as main arguments against the mosque,” remarked Casey. “Those videos that portend to show support or neutrality are generally from established news sources like Keith Olbermann’s commentary on MSNBC and a Huffington Post article about Obama’s mosque comments.”

One other note of interest, according to Casey and the Trufflenet’s findings, is that the blogger who allegedly instigated the whole debate did not make any of the top 10 lists. “It seems that those opposed to the building of the mosque are spreading other voices and opinions online, rather than the views of the person who originated the story.”

Trufflenet, headquartered in London, provides online monitoring, analysis and consultation to a number of high profile public officials, government agencies, businesses and organizations. To learn more about Trufflenet, visit

Please see the attached file for pie charts, and top 10 lists with aggregates of Trufflenet’s findings.

Trufflenet USA
John Casey
Ground Zero Mosque Debate Online - Pie Charts and Top 10 Lists

Ground Zero Mosque Debate Online - Pie Charts and Top 10 Lists

Search results for Ground Zero Mosque debate online with relevant search terms and lists of top ten videos, links and comments on links.
