Debut Author Sherry D. Ficklin Brings Greek Mythology to Teen Readers

Book 1 of The Gods of Fate series releases to rave reviews.

Grand Junction, CO, August 24, 2010 --( Sherry D. Ficklin, the author of the highly anticipated Gods of Fate trilogy, is breaking convention in recent teen literature by shying away from popular genres and blending fantasy and mythology.

Foresight is available now from Dragonfly Publishing in e-book, hardback, and paperback. It tells the story of Grace Archer, a modern teen stunned to learn a dark secret about her lineage. Her mother was the Greek Goddess Pandora and it has fallen to Grace to protect her mother’s deadly box. As if that weren’t enough she begins to develop frightening powers of foresight which threaten to destroy her from the inside out. It becomes a race against time as Grace fights to defend Pandora’s box from the one person just crazy enough to open it.

In a genre so flooded with vampires, werewolves, and rich society kids, is there a place for modern mythology? She believes so.

“I’ve always loved mythology, Greek, Egyptian, anything I could get my hands on. There’s something really amazing about the classic stories and being able to present them in new ways to a whole new generation,” Ficklin says. Seeing the recent resurgence of movies and television shows like Spartacus and Clash of the Titans, she may be on to something.

"I haven’t read many modern fictional stories containing gods and goddesses (the only one that comes to mind is the middle grade Percy Jackson series) and was delighted that the author was using this subject as a basis for a young adult series," says Jessica B, a book reviewer for Book Sake reviews.

Ficklin adds, “At its core, Foresight is really a coming of age story. It begins with Grace walking that knife edge between youth and womanhood. As we take the journey with her, we get to see her struggle, and fail, and learn, and choose what kind of person she wants to be. It’s all about knowing what you are capable of, and discovering how far you’ll go to get what you want.”

To help get kids reading Ficklin is doing many events at both her local schools and libraries, as well as events in cities across the counrty.

"Right now we are doing events in Colorado, Washington, and Virginia," Ficklin says, "I was fortunate as a teenager to have a teacher who really encouraged and inspired me. I just want to give that feeling to other young writers."

For more information about author Sherry D. Ficklin, tips on how to get published, to request a review copy, or for information on her newest projects you can email her directly at or go to her website,

Ficklin is a full time writer now happily transplanted to Colorado where she lives with her husband, four kids, two dogs, and a fluctuating number of chickens and house guests. A former military brat and later military wife, she loves to travel and meet new people. She can often be found browsing her local bookstore with a large white hot chocolate in one hand and a towering stack of books in the other. That is of course, unless she’s on deadline at which time she, like the Loch Ness monster, is often only seen in blurry photographs.

Sherry D. Ficklin