JumpStart Wireless and Chicago Backflow Recognized with Gold Vision Award from Constructech Magazine

Delray Beach, FL, August 25, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Constructech magazine has recognized JumpStart Wireless and one of their customers, Chicago Backflow, as a Gold winner of the 2010 Constructech Vision Awards. These awards honor companies that have used innovative technologies in construction businesses to significantly improve their results. Chicago Backflow estimates they are saving $27,000 per inspector or about $300,000 per year through use of their JumpStart mobile application.

“This year’s winners are exemplary companies from the construction industry,” says Mike Carrozzo, chief editor, Constructech magazine. “Their effort to remain innovative at a time when so many companies are cutting costs now, at the expense of seeing the overall picture, is remarkable. I do hope the effort they have put forth will encourage more companies to follow their lead.”

JumpStart Wireless is pleased to announce one of its customers, Chicago Backflow Inc. won the Gold Vision Award for Specialty Contractors using JumpStart Wireless mobile software integrated with Sage accounting and work management software.

Chicago Backflow estimates that they are saving $300,000 per year, through various efficiencies and being able to generate new sales without adding additional staff. “The payback on our JumpStart system was a matter of days and had a positive 30 times return on investment in the first year” said Mike Eisenhauer, owner of Chicago Backflow, Inc.

Beyond financial results, Chicago Backflow has been able to increase productivity and security in both their administrative and the field operations. The JumpStart application running on Research in Motion BlackBerrys gives Chicago Backflow's field inspectors immediate access to their back-office Sage software. They have reduced operating costs and eliminated paperwork. Their mobile staff are getting more jobs done during the day.

Jeff Bonar, CEO of JumpStart Wireless said “More and more businesses are seeing the payoff from mobile software – we are delighted that an innovator like Chicago Backflow is recognized for their early and aggressive leverage of this technology.”

About JumpStart Wireless

JumpStart Wireless has developed proven, safe, and reliable mobile solutions using revolutionary artificial intelligence technology that return 1-2 hours per day per mobile field employee. JumpStart helps businesses stay connected, eliminates wasteful paper processes, and streamlines business operations. JumpStart ensures ease-of-use for field staff, tight integration with billing and payroll software, along with reliable and smooth operations.

About Constructech Magazine

Written from the perspective of the construction professional, Constructech magazine uncovers the necessary tools to increase productivity and profitability and reveals the value of information technology tools and building control automation.

JumpStart Wireless Corporation
Nanci Bonar
561-243-4700 ext 200