Pocket Rockets Announces Fourth Poker Information Site for South Africa

Pocket Rockets Announces Fourth Poker Information Site for South Africa
Capetown, South Africa, August 24, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Pocket Rockets, provider of online poker information for South Africa, announces the opening of their fourth online poker site: PokerTools.co.za.

PokerTools.co.za targets the medium-level to advanced online poker player, and provides information on the various poker tools available online. These tools are designed to enhance a poker player’s game and radically improve their skills.

What is unique about this website is that information is presented in a different way for beginners and for experts, a way that is tailored to their level of experience. Beginners are eased into the world of online poker tools with easy explanations of the uses for the various tools, while experts can head straight to their extensive database of reviews and find exactly the tool they are looking for. Never before has an informative poker tools website been set up specifically for South Africans.

Among the types of online poker tools discussed at PokerTools.co.za are
- Auto Hotkey Scripts – these allow you to automate repetitive poker decisions
- Bankroll Management – tools for keeping track of your money
- Data Mining – these tools help you identify your opponents and gain useful insights into their habits
- Multi-Table Tournament Tools – these help you play multi-table poker tournaments, directing you to the right place at the right time
- Poker Odds Calculators – these tools can help you calculate your odds while you play
- Poker Tracking – tools supporting your decision making during your online poker play
- Sit ‘n Go – a type of tool allowing you to track betting patterns and hand situations in order to optimize your game
- Table Selection – tools to help you find the most profitable tables out of the huge offer available online
- Tournament Tools – which enhance your game during tournament play

Not only does PokerTools.co.za supply information about how poker tools may be applied to improve gameplay, it also provides an extensive array of reviews of such tools. After learning the basic uses of the tools, visitors of PokerTools.co.za will be able to find the tools most valued by the poker community of South Africa. Editors write reviews and the community will be able to discuss and rate the tools themselves.

Pokertools.co.za is part of a network that includes premier sites such as Poker.co.za, SApoker.co.za and Superpoker.co.za. The addition of this new website further enhances the services Pocket Rockets offers and reflects the company’s commitment to provide the best online poker information for South Africa.

Pocket Rockets
Jan de Vries