IMC Club International, Inc is Creating a New Kind of Flight School

Norwood, MA, September 01, 2010 --( IMC Club International, Inc ( is creating a new kind of flight school, the National Instrument Proficiency Academy (NAIPAC), a non-profit, proficiency based flight school. The first of its kind in the aviation industry, the Academy’s goal is not to train pilots to obtain their license but to make them more proficient. The school is going to offer a number of different programs that will vary between five to ten hours designed to increase pilot skill and confidence in instrument metrological conditions. Training will be provided as ground school and flight training in the school’s full motion simulator, Cirrus Aircraft or the student’s own airplane. Graduates will receive certificates of completion upon achieving an acceptable level of competence and proficiency.

“I am extremely happy that finally I can realize my dream of a school that will work exclusively to improve aviation safety. Being a pilot is one thing - but so many times we forget that regardless of our experience level we all have an obligation to develop and re-achieve the highest level of proficiency over and over again” – said Radek R. Wyrzykowski, President of IMC Clubs International, Inc.

To accommodate their ambitious goals NAIPAC and has contracted in cooperation with the Wild Blue Simulators, Inc. the full motion RedBird Simulator that will be based at the Norwood Massachusetts Memorial Airport. It will be the first of this kind available in the North East. The simulator is scheduled for installation at the end of September of this year.

As a non-profit operation NAIPAC will be staffed by volunteer instructors and will provide training at an extremely affordable rate for IMC Club members. For example Cirrus aircraft for club members will rent for less than $170/hr. Non club rates will also be available and use of the simulator will be accessible to any student, school or instructor who wishes to use it for their training.

More information can be found at

Radek Wyrzykowski
125 Access Road
Norwood, MA 02062