Do You Respond Effectively to Your Customers?

A value increase lies behind every customer question. Do you respond fast and effectively enough?

London, United Kingdom, December 30, 2006 --( How Can You Improve Communication With Your Customer?

When businesses use customised websites to support the sale of specific goods or services they often fail to provide their customers with a simple way of requesting and recieving specific information that they may not be able to find on the website.

If a question is emailed there is often no system in place, to ensure that the most is made of the sales opportunity. This failure to quickly respond to the potential customer results in a failure to extract the maximum available profit. 

Use Mobile Phone Technology.

Use a software system that is safely and easily integrated into your website.

Use a system that enables your customer to ask you a question from your website and get your answer sent directly to their phone.

Use a system where all questions with answers are automatically archived on your website as a searchable database.

RELAY, is a simple yet sophisticated system that will do all of these things; enabling you to respond Quickly and Effectively to your Customer through your website and your customers' mobile phone. 

What Can EB-Technology Do For You?

1) Automate the capture of your customers' question and enable instant delivery (by SMS and/or Email) to you.

2) Automate the instant delivery (by SMS and/or Email) of your answer to your customer.

3) Automate the creation of a searchable, online Knowledge-Base for your customers, using their questions and your answers.

4) Automate the creation of a searchable Customer Database for your Company to use in Sales and Marketing activities.

To learn more visit now.

EB Technology Limited
Elliott King
+44(0)79 7632 8392