Free Career Calling Teleseries Presented by Canaan Career Coaching

Free career calling teleseries helps christian entrepreneurs, christian college students and christian career professionals discover their kingdom assignment. This teleseries shows Christians how to glorify god through their work.

Austin, TX, September 03, 2010 --( Starting on September 16, 2010, Christian Career Coach Angela Carter will lead a free three-week teleseries on “Discovering Your Career Calling.” This teleseries will help Christians who want to find a career that will allow them to use all of their God-given gifts and abilities to grow God’s kingdom. This teleseries will help educate Christians on how to discover their kingdom assignment and empower them to overcome the obstacles to completing their kingdom assignment.

In this teleseries, Christians will learn God’s original purpose and design for work, the vision and mission God has for their career, and how to conquer fear so they can complete their career calling with boldness and confidence.

The dates for the teleseries are: September 16, 2010, September 23, 2010, & September 30, 2010.

To learn additional information about the free, "Discover Your Career Calling Teleseries", go to:

Canaan Career Coaching
Angela Carter
(512) 234-3027