International Movie Trailer Festival Announces Its "People's Choice Awards"

Max Speed, a Canadian daredevil and moviemaker, has won the International Movie Trailer Festival "People's Choice Award" for Beautiful Girl, a two-minute trailer for a movie not yet made. Max's entry received nearly 2,000 votes earning him the $1,000 prize. His horror trailer, produced in Nova Scotia, Canada, features a young girl with a feather that turns into something sinister. You can see the trailer at ( for short) along with other entries from 16 countries.

Los Angeles, CA, September 11, 2010 --( Max Speed, a Canadian daredevil and moviemaker, has won the International Movie Trailer Festival "People's Choice Award" for Beautiful Girl, a two-minute trailer for a movie not yet made. Max's entry received nearly 2,000 votes earning him the $1,000 prize. His horror trailer, produced in Nova Scotia, Canada, features a young girl with a feather that turns into something sinister. You can see the trailer at ( for short) along with other entries from 16 countries.

The International Movie Trailer Festival (IMTF) was launched in 2010 to help independent moviemakers showcase their work. IMTF maintains a virtual online movie theater where fans, producers, and everyone interested in movies can see the creations of filmmakers from around the world.There's a division for traditional trailers--previewing movies already shot--and another category for faux trailers pitching movies still in the dream stage. In addition to the People's Choice Awards, determined by visitor's to the site, there's a set of juried awards including a $5,000 Grand Prize to be announced in December, 2010.

First runner-up in the People's Choice competition is Timo Vuorensoia's Iron Sky. A Finnish entry, this sci fi trailer for an un-produced movie is about Nazis who rocketed to the moon in 1945 and are getting ready to return.

Second runner up is Justin Chambers' Manifest Destiny, a trailer made for a 20-minute short drama. Shot in Los Angeles, the story is about two brothers held prisoner and forced to decide which one shall live and which shall die.
Many of the top entries will be featured in IMTF's documentary Preview Your Dreams: The Art of the Movie Trailer. A teaser for this feature-length movie can be seen at

In January, 2011, IMTF will launch its second year's Festival, which will include an innovative teaser competition.

For more about the Festival, plus contact information for the winners, please write to Ronald Sallon:

International Movie Trailer
Ronald Sallon