Postal Codes Boundary Files of Russia

The Center for Spatial Research is glad to announce that it has developed the methodology of creating boundary files of the Russian postal codes.

St. Petersburg, Russia, October 01, 2010 --( The Center for Spatial Research is glad to announce that it has developed the methodology of creating boundary files of postal codes in Russia. Previously the company has created the database of all postal codes in Russia which includes the number of postal codes, name of the city or settlement located in the postal code and geographic coordinates of the postal code’s center point.

Today the Center for Spatial Research is able to provide boundary files of the Russian postal codes being one of the first companies in the market who can deliver this important geographical information.

Today the importance of postal code geodata is hard to overestimate when large retail, banking and insurance companies are constantly collecting the information on consumers for CRM and marketing purposes. Postal codes allow to aggregate, segment and clusterize consumers. They allow to visualize sales, define potential territories, assess trade areas and much more.

Moreover the Center for Spatial Research is also able to offer a number of variables (depending on the region) based on postal codes including population counts, factors of wealth, number of retail outlets, provision of retail space and more.

For more information on Russian postal codes please contact the Center for Spatial Research (

The Center for Spatial Research
Stas Sushkov