Cell Podium Awarded Phase I SBIR from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Cell Podium has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research Contract from the CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response.This contract is focused on developing and evaluating mobile data protocols for emergency response tools.

Newark, NJ, September 12, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Cell Podium has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract from the CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (formerly the Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response).This award will allow Cell Podium to develop and evaluate mobile data communications for terrorism preparedness and emergency response tools that supplement text messaging with multimedia.

Cell Podium will team up with the Office of Public Health Practice (OPHP) and the New Jersey Center for Public Health Preparedness (NJCPHP) of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-School of Public Health (UMDNJ-SPH) to evaluate the utility and feasibility of ubiquitous mobile multimedia messaging for terrorism preparedness and emergency response. The effort will design and evaluate MMS interoperability solutions, including those already in use at the Atlantic OSHA Training Center, and assess their utility in different terrorism preparedness and emergency response scenarios, including communications with field personnel, the public, and institutions. Requirements assessment will be verified with local, state, and federal health and response agencies.

Dr. Cesar Bandera, co-founder of Cell Podium and Principal Investigator of the CDC project, is excited about the innovations being made to be able to automatically relay content in existing client multimedia repositories and handle millions of users from coast to coast for CDC. He also goes on to say, “With CDC as a client, Cell Podium will grow side-by-side with one of the leading users of social media in the Federal Government.” The effort will also design interfaces between mobile multimedia and existing social media providers and evaluate their ability to accelerate the propagation of time-critical information (e.g., viral media distribution on Twitter).

For additional information on Cell Podium, contact Cesar Bandera or visit www.cellpodium.com

About Cell Podium, LLC:
Cell Podium, LLC is a mobile e-learning service provider and an award-winning developer of mobile multimedia technology. It holds the technology to push multimedia training to cell phones regardless of the carrier or model of the phone and deliver relevant brief theme-specific videos to a user’s cell phone without his/her intervention (e.g., no browsing for information and no special application to be installed). With nothing more than the cell phone, the user will be able to replay and forward lessons either directly or via any social networking web site. Cell Podium was founded in 2008 by Dr. Peter Schmitt and Dr. Cesar Bandera in response to a critical need for mobile emergency responder training by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

When content is delivered via MMS the data required to download content is free of charge to the consumer. Other technologies, such as WAP, may incur consumer charges that can sore the experience or even turn the consumer off the product or brand. There are few distribution mediums as personalized as the mobile phone and mobile messaging offers the ability for brands to deliver targeted, time sensitive and even location specific content directly into the hands of consumers. No other content distribution channel can offer the same level of individual engagement as mobile.

Combining graphics, animation, music, video and text; companies are capable of pushing content to consumers in a way that is only limited by the creativity and imagination of thee company. Now companies have the technology to reach their target market with messaging that is media rich and accurately reflect their values, something that SMS with its 160 characters of plain text cannot deliver.

Cell Podium, LLC
Cesar Bandera