Whehey Publishing's Children's Books Awarded by the National Parenting Center

Pencil Play Pals Children's books (Published by Whehey Publishing) are still a big hit with children and their parents.

Brooklyn, NY, September 19, 2010 --(PR.com)-- The National Parenting Center identifies the finest products and services being marketed to the parent/child audience. Through consumer oriented testing it solicits evaluations from parents and their children. The products with the best results are awarded The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval.

A Seal of Approval was awarded for both "The Pristine Pig," and "Pencil Play Pals Pencil Games." These are just two of the titles (Published by Whehey Publishing) in the Pencil Play Pals children's books award winning series. You can read a product review on both books by visiting The National Parenting Center's website. "Pencil Play Pals Pencil Games" was awarded in the Kits and Crafts category and "The Pristine Pig" was awarded its Seal of Approval in the children's books category.

If you'd like to purchase either of these titles and judge for yourself just visit the Pencil Play Pals website at pencilplaypals.com.

Whehey Publishing
Simon Chandler
Retailers interested in stocking the Pencil Play Pals books can also contact them from the Retailers only page at www.pencilplaypals.com