Want a Wonder Herb? New Health and Wellness Program ReductionAdvisorMD Says Take a Whiff of the Stinky Rose.

ReductionAdvisorMD Takes the Stance That Garlic Has Powerful Healing Qualities That Benefit Nearly Every System in the Body

Austin, TX, October 04, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Herbalists and healers around the world have extolled the health benefits of garlic for at least 4,000 years. New health and wellness program ReductionAdvisorMD tells its members that garlic is specifically known to benefit the cardiovascular system and is a “natural antibiotic.”

In addition to working as a powerful antibiotic, garlic packs a wallop when fighting fungal infections, parasites, viruses and chronic yeast infections. “Garlic is a certainly a wonder herb,” says the CEO of ReductionAdvisorMD. “It seems to help in so many ways, and it makes food taste good as well. How could you go wrong?” Garlic improves blood clot function, circulation and immune function as well as reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It also protects against colon and stomach cancer.

ReductionAdvisorMD.com provides its members with a variety of current diet and nutrition articles as well as other health and wellness information and news for members and the general public. Frequently updated features available without a password include health and beauty, nutrition and supplements, stress management, and exercise advice, all with a non-traditional focus intended to complement mainstream beliefs and practices.

For example, “Health Conditions A-Z” (http://members.reductionadvisormd.com/conditions) contains self-care methods for preventing and relieving symptoms of many of the most common health conditions. Of course, the information provided at ReductionAdvisorMD.com is intended for users’ general knowledge only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.

After years of experience in the alternative health industry, ReductionAdvisorMD’s founders realized that consumers want more than a quick, temporary fix from a pill or crash diet. ReductionAdvisorMD has quickly become the fastest-growing members-only self-care website, where consumers can receive support for their healthy lifestyle goals while learning about health and wellness in an online environment uninfluenced by pharmaceutical advertising.

Randle Gaines