Bestseller Bound Launches Indie/Small Press Book Discussion Group

A new book discussion group geared toward small press and independently published titles is forming at the Bestseller Bound message board forum and anyone interested is invited to register at the free site and join the club. The book group will read and discuss one title each month.

Tallahassee, FL, October 08, 2010 --( A new book discussion group is forming at the Bestseller Bound message board forum and anyone interested is invited to register at the free site and join the club. The book group will read and discuss one title each month.

All titles discussed will be books published by small presses or by independent authors. The group members will vote on a new title each month. The October title as voted by the current members will be Enemies and Playmates by Darcia Helle, which can be downloaded for free on Smashwords and/or Scribd. Members are encouraged to participate in the discussion each month, though it is not mandatory.

Author Darcia Helle created the Bestseller Bound forum with input from resident authors/moderators Stacy Juba and Maria Savva. In addition to the book club, Bestseller Bound members can participate in a variety of book and publishing-related discussion threads. Resident and visiting authors chat with readers about writing a book, how they do research and get their ideas, how they market their books, and the challenges they face. They also share articles, stories and poems, as well as special offers and discounts.

Readers are invited to hang out, ask questions and chat with tomorrow’s breakout writers. Small press and independently published authors are welcome to participate in the discussion, as well as post threads about their titles in the Connection Café, post a book trailer link, and browse the free Help Wanted section, where authors and book lovers can exchange guest blogging and review opportunities. According to the Bestseller Bound founders, indie and small press authors face some difficulties in being recognized by mainstream bookstores and libraries, which puts them at a disadvantage in reaching readers, and the forum is a way to bridge that gap. Members can also receive a free quarterly newsletter packed with information about indie books.

Helle is the author of romantic suspense novels including The Cutting Edge, Enemies and Playmates, Miami Snow, Hit List, No Justice and Beyond Salvation. Juba is the author of the mystery novels Twenty-Five Years Ago Today and Sink or Swim, along with the patriotic children’s picture book The Flag Keeper. Savva’s published novels are Coincidences, Second Chances, and A Time to Tell, and she has also published the short story collections Pieces of a Rainbow, and Love and Loyalty (and Other Tales.)

Anyone interested in joining the book discussion group must first complete the free registration process to become a member of the site at and then they can start following and participating in the discussion on the Book Club thread in the Connection Café.

Bestseller Bound
Stacy Juba
Please contact by email.