- You No Longer Have to Call a Technician When Your Computer is Dying a Slow Death takes the mystery out of tuning up your computer by yourself. A Complete "do it yourself" guide takes you through it step by step. They also have in home service in certain regions.

Fort Macleood, Canada, January 12, 2007 --( Have you ever noticed that over time your computer gets slower and slower?

If you do a lot of internet surfing or your teenagers are downloading movies and music you are bound to notice a slowdown over time. Whenever you use the internet there are junk files and possibly spyware and viruses that are left on your system.

This can not only cause your computer to slow down, but it also leaves your valuable data at risk. This is something that must be dealt with in a timely manner to reduce your risk.

It should also be noted that Windows operating systems always run a number of programs when it starts up that do not need to be running.

Not only does this make the startup process slow, but it also takes up valuable computer resources as they remain running and taking up memory the whole time the pc is started.

All of these factors combine to slow down your computer and make the whole experience of surfing the internet tedious.

That's where the SlowPcDoctor comes in.

The doctor will show you how to fix all of the above problems without spending a single cent on software. You just follow the step by step guide and before you know it your computer is running like new.

You also have removed all traces of viruses, trojan horses, and spyware from your computer. Your data is now safe and surfing the net is fun once again.

A quote from a satisfied customer:

"I am very impressed with your report. I didn't think it would show me anything new, but I was sure wrong. It sure helps me get to clean out all the junk on my PC and I'm now "zooming" along. You have provided an excellent resource for anyone (and my guess is just about anybody) wanting to speed up their computer.”

- Barbara is the new kid on the block in do it yourself and in home computer tune-ups.

Franchises are available internationally.

For more information contact Tim Carter at 403-553-2352.

Tim Carter
For information on the franchise opportunity contact us at:

PO Box 175
Fort Macleod, Alberta Canada
T0L 0Z0

Note. Franchise websites look the same as the main site except the territory name.