Meditrafix Announces New and Extensive Medical Marketing Resource Site

Medical Marketing today requires digital presence & optimizations through SEO (search engine optimization), keyword search, website architectures and local presence in order to be and remain Patient Top of Mind.

Toronto, Canada, October 13, 2010 --( Medical professionals are increasingly finding the need to market their services and specialties in a digital fashion.

1) Medical websites now have to be optimized to bring in patients.
2) Social media channels have to be managed as today’s sources of referrals.
3) Local search optimization of existing digital presences must accomplished in order to be relevant to today’s digital consumer.

The medical marketing landscape has changed. No longer is it just sufficient to hang out a shingle and advertise in the yellow pages. Today’s digital consumers have moved away from traditional media in looking for medical services and service providers. A concentrated digital strategy is required to be relevant and remain top of mind to the digital consumer. Meditrafix has established a resource website for just this purpose.

The Meditrafix new and extensive medical marketing website includes -
- strategies for digital medical marketing
- medical marketing blog
- instructional videos on digital medical marketing
- explanation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for medical marketing
- medical SEO glossary
- frequently asked medical marketing questions
- Ten Step Digital Medical Practice Marketing Kit increases prospective medical patient traffic through optimizations of search keywords, website architecture, social media marketing and local digital medical practice presence.

Tee Marek