Audio Architects Bome Software Release New Voice Message Generating Application for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
New application repositions voicemail by letting users easily mix their own voice recording with configurable themes to surprise recipients with disruptive messages.
San Diego, CA, October 14, 2010 --( Germany based software developers Bome Software--creators of various professional audio generation & editing utilities--have just released the new, patent pending iPhone application After the Beep! ( which applies Bome’s powerful audio processing techniques to a consumer mobile application. After the Beep! allows users to record a message, mix their message with highly customizable themes, then entertain their friends and fans with their new message via Facebook, Twitter, email or VoiceTextTM.
From the website:
“For the times when boring old messages & updates just won’t do, After the Beep is the first iPhone app that lets you weave your own voice into variety of fun themes, giving the impression that you’re calling from the moon, a birthday party, the office, the stage at a rock concert, and so much more!
“With our easy-to-use sharing options you’ll be able to send your customized message as a voicemail, email, facebook update, tweet & weblink. Your friends will love your message so much they’ll have to play it back on speakerphone for everyone to hear!”
After the Beep! boasts 11 base themes, each with a wide array of mixing options allowing over 10,000 possible audio combinations to be mixed with a custom recording. Furthermore, After the Beep has a wide array of sharing options through an intuitive user interface, and as a bonus feature allows users to directly send voicemails without ringing the recipient’s phone. After the Beep enables VoiceTextTM messages from any iOS device to any us cell phone. It is available through the iTunes store for initially $1.99.
For more information on After the Beep!, including a more detailed feature list, promotional video & screen shots of the application in use, please visit To view After the Beep! in the iTunes Store, please visit
From the website:
“For the times when boring old messages & updates just won’t do, After the Beep is the first iPhone app that lets you weave your own voice into variety of fun themes, giving the impression that you’re calling from the moon, a birthday party, the office, the stage at a rock concert, and so much more!
“With our easy-to-use sharing options you’ll be able to send your customized message as a voicemail, email, facebook update, tweet & weblink. Your friends will love your message so much they’ll have to play it back on speakerphone for everyone to hear!”
After the Beep! boasts 11 base themes, each with a wide array of mixing options allowing over 10,000 possible audio combinations to be mixed with a custom recording. Furthermore, After the Beep has a wide array of sharing options through an intuitive user interface, and as a bonus feature allows users to directly send voicemails without ringing the recipient’s phone. After the Beep enables VoiceTextTM messages from any iOS device to any us cell phone. It is available through the iTunes store for initially $1.99.
For more information on After the Beep!, including a more detailed feature list, promotional video & screen shots of the application in use, please visit To view After the Beep! in the iTunes Store, please visit
Bome Software
John Pezzetti
John Pezzetti
