45 Year-Old Man Finds Secrets to Staying Fit and Healthy

Many people don't realize that with a weight loss fitness program they can actually reverse the aging process in their body.

Greensboro, NC, January 15, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Being overweight and unhealthy living can cause lots of different problems. It has been said that most people will do whatever they can to get rid of life threatening health problems once they have it. Very few will do anything to try and prevent it.

"I had a major problem with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol," said Robert C, a 45 year-old from North Carolina. "My wife had finally convinced me to go to a doctor to have a physical. Turns out I had issues that needed to be addressed."

Robert discovered he had issues that, if not taken care of could lead to other complications. Robert was able to overcome the diseases by what he calls weight loss fitness. After searching for people who already had the program he wanted, he finally found one. He didn't want to try and re-create, just duplicate.

After completing the weight loss fitness program his doctor was absolutely amazed. The diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholestoral had lowered without medication.

More information about Robert's story and how he overcame these diseases can be found at www.squidoo.com/weight_loss_fitness_program

Robert Crotts