Marty Weisberg of Commercial Capital Group Launches, Specializing in Self Directed IRAs

New Company Increases Ability for Individual Investors to Take Control of Their Retirement Accounts, Eliminate Investment Fees, and Reduce Tax Burdens. This is all accomplished by setting up a Self Directed IRA. Read on to find out how.

Sarasota, FL, October 19, 2010 --( New Company Increases Ability For Individual Investors To Take Control of Their Retirement Accounts, Eliminate Investment Fees and Reduce Tax Burdens.

Commercial Capital Group, LLC is pleased to announce its affiliation with Service Financial, LLC. Service Financial is a leading provider of the self-directed ira (SDIRA). Unlike traditional self directed retirement accounts, this little known, yet thoroughly legal and approved by the IRS allows the plan owner to be his or her own custodian.

Marty Weisberg, President of Commercial Capital Group, explained the partnership in a statement, “I believe both Service Financial and Commercial Capital Group will benefit by helping individual investors and our small businesses that need a helping hand during this financial crisis. It is my strong conviction that education, and then choices make for the best kind of help. That is exactly what Commercial Capital Group is doing through its new website,; educating people about Wall Street’s unfair fees and enlightening them to a possible solution that has been around for over three and a half decades; one that has been purposely left hidden by the banking and finance industries’ self interests. It is time people had the choice to take control of their retirement funds.”

According to Mr. Weisberg, once a self directed ira is set up properly, the funds within your retirement account can be used for business seed capital, real estate investing, tax lien certificate investing, or as a down payment on your SBA loan. What results is the ability to invest your retirement funds into a small business or franchise without any tax penalties or invest in other entities besides stocks, bonds, and mutual funds and dramatically minimize your fees.

Many investors wonder why they haven’t heard about self directed IRAs. The answer, according to Mr. Weisberg, is simple, “The securities industry is favored by Government regulators to inform the public. So from the beginning brokers and bankers have perpetuated the myth that buying stocks, bonds and mutual funds was all that the code allowed. The partnership between Service Financial and Commercial Capital Group results in a simple process to help each individual investor take back control of their earned retirement monies and become their own bank.” It’s time to get a self directed ira and take control of your own financial destiny.

About Commercial Capital Group:
Commercial Capital Group provides self directed ira services to individual investors and commercial capital to small businesses. The current economic and investing conditions make it a perfect time to look to self-directed IRA’s as the investment vehicle of choice. In addition, strong businesses are being turned away for financing by the banks. Traditional lending institutions have made it very difficult if not impossible to get funding. We focus on professional loans to doctors, dentists, attorneys, and any other professional occupation.

About Marty Weisberg:
Before founding Commercial Capital Group, LLC, Marty spent 27 years in the stock brokerage business and 16 years both investing in real estate and running real estate investment companies. Additionally he is currently President of PAC Holdings, a title holding trust company. Marty attended Hunter College in New York. Marty specializes in self directed ira's and investment tools to maximize returns with a self directed ira.

Marty Weisberg
(941) 244-2818

Commercial Capital Group LLC
Marty Weisberg