Divorce Money Matters Internationally-Broadcast Teleseminar Series Features "What They Don't Tell You About Pre & Post-Nups & Why You Need to Know!"

Preeminent Divorce Attorney, Mark Baer to be featured in an upcoming issue of California Lawyer Magazine, Beverly Hills Bar Association newsletter and now, Divorce Speak, an internationally-broadcast monthly teleseminar series.

Atlanta, GA, October 22, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Lisa C. Decker, divorce financial expert and founder of Divorce Money Matters, helps clients to “Divorce Your Spouse, Not Your Money®,” through education and resources including a free monthly teleseminar series, Divorce Speak.

Prominent Divorce Attorney, Mark Baer from Pasadena, California, is this month’s guest speaker on Divorce Speak, an internationally-broadcast monthly teleseminar series hosted by Lisa C. Decker, CDFA, and a well-known divorce expert at Divorce Money Matters in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. Ms. Decker is the host of a monthly series that seeks out experts on all matters of divorce to help guide her listeners from across the globe who may be contemplating, in the process of, or post divorce.

Mark Baer is a family law attorney, mediator, and collaborative law practitioner from Pasadena, California. Pasadena Magazine has just awarded Mr. Baer the distinction of being one of their Top Attorney’s for 2010. In addition, he is being profiled in the Beverly Hills Bar Association’s November Newsletter and in an upcoming edition of California Lawyer Magazine. Baer has been advocating for the rights of family law clients throughout southern California since 1991.

When asked about her selection of this month’s topic and guest speaker, Ms. Decker stated, “I seek to serve those who are in need of answers to difficult questions in their lives. Pre and Post-Nups are a hot topic with some big celebrities bringing them to the forefront such as the McCourt’s and their battle over a post-nup. I approached Mark about being my guest on this subject because he is a sharp attorney who understands the ins and outs and potential problems that these legal documents can create. Listeners will learn what they don’t usually tell you about pre and post-nups and what they need to know before they sign on the dotted line.”

According to Mr. Baer, "Pre-nups are frequently challenged in a divorce situation. Because of the potential liability for the drafting attorney, they can be very costly with $10,000 not unusual as a starting point." Mark will share more information on when and why a premarital agreement may not be enforceable, what items may not be includable and what unintended consequences may happen from signing away rights your rights in a pre or post-nup.

For more information on the teleseminar visit: http://tinyurl.com/Pre-Post-Nups-Teleseminar

Ms. Decker is an expert in divorce financial matters, a discreet problem-solver and a trusted advisor to her clients. She is a frequent radio show guest, speaker, and author of the soon-to-be released program, “The Secrets to a Sane, Savvy, Money-Saving Divorce!” http://www.SaveMoneyInDivorce.com

Lisa C. Decker, CDFA
Divorce Money Matters
866-722-7226 - phone
678-562-2599 - fax

Divorce Money Matters
Lisa C. Decker, CDFA