Stevens Professors Publish Two Journal Papers About Graphene in Applied Physics Letters
Hoboken, NJ, October 22, 2010 --( A collaborative research team led by Stevens Institute of Technology professors Dr. Stefan Strauf and Dr. Eui-Hyeok (EH) Yang has published two publications about the new wonder material graphene in the latest issue of Applied Physics Letters. Their article, “Determination of edge purity in bilayer graphene using μ-Raman spectroscopy,” reports a novel technique to determine the fractional composition of edge states in graphene, which is of importance for future development of nanoelectronic devices. In a second article titled “Aperiodic conductivity oscillations in quasiballistic graphene heterojunctions” the team has demonstrated that carrier transport in a field-effect transistor made from graphene is governed by the phenomena of Klein-tunneling, even in the presence of materials impurities.
Both articles have also been selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.
Dr. Strauf is director of the NanoPhotonics Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology and Dr. Yang is director of Stevens Nanoelectronics Laboratory and of the multi-user Micro Device Laboratory (MDL).
The research received partial financial support from a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, by an award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and by access to the clean rooms at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Lab.
Learn more about nanotechnology at Stevens on the Nanotechnology Graduate Program web site.
Dr. Stefan Strauf
Dr. Strauf, assistant professor of nanotechnology and applied physics and director of the NanoPhotonics Laboratory at Stevens. His research is focused on nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, with a particular focus on nanostructured devices scaled down to the ultimate quantum limit where one can control and manipulate individual electrons, excitons, or photons. In 2008 he received the Harvey N. Davies Memorial Award for Research Excellence from Stevens.
Dr. Eui-Hyeok (EH) Yang
Dr. Yang is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Stevens, as well as director of the Nanoelectronics Laboratory and multi-user Micro Device Lab. Dr. Yang’s research focuses on investigating engineered carbon nanotube and graphene nanostructures and devices for nanosensors/actuators and nanoelectronics applications. Recently he secured an NSF grant to acquire a Nanoimprint Lithography System for Stevens Micro Device Laboratory.
About Physics and Engineering Physics
The Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at Stevens Institute of Technology is home to undergraduate and graduate degree physics programs with special emphasis on the fields of atomic, molecular and optical physics, photonics technology, quantum optics, and quantum information science. PEP takes pride in maintaining a strong intellectual environment. Departmental research programs, many of which have a strong interdisciplinary character, are leading the way in their respective fields of endeavor. PEP teaching programs prepare students for careers in physics related research and broader areas of technology development.
About Mechanical Engineering at Stevens
Founded by a family of pioneer engineers in 1870 and home to the first meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Stevens has a long history of mechanical engineering education and research. The Department of Mechanical Engineering produces graduates with a broad-based foundation in fundamental engineering principles and liberal arts together with the depth of disciplinary knowledge needed to succeed in a career in mechanical engineering or related field including a wide variety of advanced technological and management careers.
Both articles have also been selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.
Dr. Strauf is director of the NanoPhotonics Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology and Dr. Yang is director of Stevens Nanoelectronics Laboratory and of the multi-user Micro Device Laboratory (MDL).
The research received partial financial support from a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, by an award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and by access to the clean rooms at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Lab.
Learn more about nanotechnology at Stevens on the Nanotechnology Graduate Program web site.
Dr. Stefan Strauf
Dr. Strauf, assistant professor of nanotechnology and applied physics and director of the NanoPhotonics Laboratory at Stevens. His research is focused on nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, with a particular focus on nanostructured devices scaled down to the ultimate quantum limit where one can control and manipulate individual electrons, excitons, or photons. In 2008 he received the Harvey N. Davies Memorial Award for Research Excellence from Stevens.
Dr. Eui-Hyeok (EH) Yang
Dr. Yang is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Stevens, as well as director of the Nanoelectronics Laboratory and multi-user Micro Device Lab. Dr. Yang’s research focuses on investigating engineered carbon nanotube and graphene nanostructures and devices for nanosensors/actuators and nanoelectronics applications. Recently he secured an NSF grant to acquire a Nanoimprint Lithography System for Stevens Micro Device Laboratory.
About Physics and Engineering Physics
The Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at Stevens Institute of Technology is home to undergraduate and graduate degree physics programs with special emphasis on the fields of atomic, molecular and optical physics, photonics technology, quantum optics, and quantum information science. PEP takes pride in maintaining a strong intellectual environment. Departmental research programs, many of which have a strong interdisciplinary character, are leading the way in their respective fields of endeavor. PEP teaching programs prepare students for careers in physics related research and broader areas of technology development.
About Mechanical Engineering at Stevens
Founded by a family of pioneer engineers in 1870 and home to the first meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Stevens has a long history of mechanical engineering education and research. The Department of Mechanical Engineering produces graduates with a broad-based foundation in fundamental engineering principles and liberal arts together with the depth of disciplinary knowledge needed to succeed in a career in mechanical engineering or related field including a wide variety of advanced technological and management careers.
Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Eui-Hyeok Yang
Dr. Eui-Hyeok Yang
