Free Venture Capital Financing Resources

ExecutivePlan, the executive summary experts, are happy to announce a number of new tools and resources for venture capital applicants.

San Francisco, CA, October 25, 2010 --( Venture Capital financing is unbelievably competitive in this economic environment. According to Google there are 368,000 global monthly searches for the keyword phrase “Venture Capital.” The National Venture Capital Association estimates that less than 1% of Venture Capital applicants successfully raise financing. ExecutivePlan, the executive summary experts, are happy to announce a number of new tools and resources for venture capital applicants.

An executive summary is typically the first two pages of a business plan. An executive summary is the most important two pages an entrepreneur will ever write, because it serves as the first impression for their business. When applying for Venture Capital the committee will request a business plan, but if the executive summary does not capture the attention of the venture capitalists and compel them to ask for more, the application will end in failure.

ExecutivePlan announced its new Free Venture Capital Executive Summary Template, as well as, the new executive summary quiz. Entrepreneurs can now take a short 7 question quiz to determine if their executive summary is ready to be put in the hands of investors. If the quiz results are negative then the ExecutivePlan offers a free Executive Summary Template, as well as, an 11 page eBook on How to Write an Executive Summary. These valuable resources will significantly increase the entrepreneur's success rate during the venture capital application process.

With the lack of valuable resources available to small business owners, the ExecutivePlan launched a website to assist entrepreneurs as they write the executive summary of their business plan. Numerous resources are now available for free at Adam Hoeksema, Founder of the ExecutivePlan said, “It is exciting to offer these new tools to entrepreneurs. Conditions are tough for most entrepreneurs in need of capital right now, and these tools will help many raise the capital they so desperately need.”

Please visit to learn more today.

Adam Hoeksema
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