Uptick in Divorce Filings and Child Abuse Reports Hasten Early Release of Shared-Parenting Programs

An uptick in divorce rates and an increase in child abuse reports being sited in newspapers across the country during 2010, has led a cultivator of innovative children and family support services with an entertaining twist to launch its Shared-Parenting and Stepfamily Connection Groups & live chat programs five months early.

Riverside, CA, November 21, 2010 --(PR.com)-- To reach more shared-parenting and stepfamily moms, dads, and step-parents, a cultivator of innovative children and family support services with an entertaining twist is planning to launch its Shared-Parenting and Stepfamily Connection Groups & live chat programs five months early.

With the stress of economic hard times still falling upon families across the country and the uptick in divorce rates reported by the President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, lifetime step-family member and owner of StepfamilySystems, Tricia Powe, has been concerned about an increase in child abuse reports being sited in newspapers across the country during 2010.

“The best child support is parent support,” says Powe, “and with unemployment and under-employment reducing the income of many child-support paying households, the loss of income is more frequently impacting both homes of children caught in the middle of increased parental discord. Unfortunately, this distress often takes on bitter, destructive behaviors in parents and children. We need to get these programs started earlier, not later.”

The organization’s new nationwide and live programs were scheduled for June 2011 kick-offs, after the first full season of Blended Family Home Living had been evaluated in May - a program centered around entertaining, true-to-life stories of co-parenting after divorce and remarriage. Like the night time drama series 24 or 7th Heaven, readers of the series will follow the lives of characters living in the fictional town of Port Hills.

These stories are written to help develop empathic feelings across the board of extended stepfamily relationships while providing tips and insights to help them succeed as co-parents and stepfamilies. The Connection Groups and a social-networking live chat will round out the low-cost, three dimensional parent-support venues for moms, dads, and step-parents caught in the throes of shared-parenting challenges.

For the advanced launch, they are actively seeking volunteers across the country to join group leaders from the Inland Empire, Las Vegas and Cleveland to get the parent-support groups started in January. To take aim at reducing child abuse and meet the organization’s mission statement which is centered on helping children through non-traditional parent support, check the StepfamilySystems.com Bulletin Board for additional program or E-mail Tricia Powe directly: TPowe@StepfamilySystems.com

Tricia Hope Powe