NLAPW Sponsors Student Art Exhibit and Awards

Washington, DC, November 02, 2010 --( The National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) partnered with Washington D.C.’s Blue Ribbon 2010 recipient, School Without Walls (SWS) to sponsor an outreach program, student art exhibit that included an awards ceremony.

Art students in grades 9 through 12, as well as two graduates of SWS displayed art at the Pen Arts building, located at 1300 17th Street NW. The League’s National Art Chair, Jamie Tate of Stoneville, Mississippi and member of NLAPW’s Delta Branch, curate the works to be displayed and select the award winners, which were announced during an event held October 16th, 2010. Award winners were Katie Thomas Canfield, 9th grade, 3rd Place ($25) for a graphite drawing; Anika Burg, 10th grade, 2nd place ($50) for a graphic design piece and Maniama Taifu-Seitu, 11th grade won the 1st place ($75) for an incredible photograph. Also on display with the award-winners, were a variety of other works, all worthy of recognition by the following students: Annalis Wiramidjaja, 10th grade; Joseph May, Alex Marshall, Keanu Rastavera, and Julian Schroeder, 11th grade; Kendall Jackson and Ying Yu Chen, 12th grade and two graduates, Robbie Carrero and Ruth Baldwin.

National League of American Pen Women
Founded in 1897, the National League of American Pen Women is a recipient of the Literary Hall of Fame Award in recognition of its contribution to the cultural life of the United States and the George Washington Honor Medal sponsored by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for its collaborative effort to promote an understanding and appreciation of America’s rich heritage and unique freedoms.

The League’s mission is to encourage, recognize, and promote the production of creative work of professional standard in Art, Letters, and Music and, through outreach activities, provide educational, creative, and professional support to members and non-members in these disciplines. Presently, membership consists of more than 100 branches located throughout the United States. In addition to branch membership, the League offers student, member-at-large and international affiliate (non-citizen) memberships and encourages the formation of state associations.

Membership, comprised of three comprehensive classifications, Letters, Art, and Music, offers association with other creative professional women through participation in workshops, discussion groups, and lectures related to the creative process. Writing and poetry contests, art exhibitions (both juried and judged), and music composition competitions are conducted at local branch, state, and national levels of the organization. See for details of events, contests, or membership, or, for further details of League history, visit

As the NLAPW spokesperson, national president Jean Holmes is available to give speeches and lectures for professional organizations. For details of her availability, contact the national headquarters by email at, by phone at 202-785-1997, or by mail at NLAPW, 1300 Seventeenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-1973.

National League of American Pen Women, Linking Creative Women Since 1897.

National League of American Pen Women
Sylvia Hoehns Wright