
Companies Achieve ITIL and SarbOx Compliance Via Magnum Technologies, Prevari Partnership

Business service management firm, Magnum Technologies, is helping businesses achieve service level management, compliance and measure information technology risk with the help of technology risk measurement firm, Prevari

Minneapolis, MN, September 01, 2005 --( – Magnum Technologies, the leading provider of IT Business Service Management software, and Prevari (, a company dedicated to improving the way businesses manage IT risk today announced a partnership designed to respond to a growing demand for service level compliance and IT risk management tools.

Both Magnum Technologies and Prevari help IT professionals achieve and measure compliance for industry standards such as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework and governmental regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley.

“Together, Magnum Technologies and Prevari can offer organizations, looking for service level management and IT risk modeling tools, a one-two punch,” said Gregory Crow Magnum Technologies President and CEO.

Both companies are demonstrating unique product and service components of their partnership via a series of launch Webinars and Focus groups.

Magnum Technologies will be launching Advantage 2.0 software which enables an IT organization to more easily prioritize IT initiatives in order to optimize IT service level performance and effectively deploy the ITIL framework.

Register for upcoming September 29 & 30 and October 6 & 7 Webinars at:

During a Web-based focus group, Prevari, formerly known as MyC.R.O. Solutions, will gain feedback from professionals concerned with measuring and modeling risk through the use of their Technology Risk Manager (TRM). TRM transforms technology risk measurement from a subjective, to a proactive and objective management process.

Register for the September 8 Focus group at:

“Magnum Technologies is a perfect partner for Prevari, because we possess a shared vision of empowering businesses with tools designed to help more readily achieve compliance and industry prescribed IT best practice frameworks,” said KoniKaye Jeschke, CEO, Prevari.

About Magnum Technologies
Magnum Technologies provides IT business service management and business service discovery software solutions that align IT operations with enterprise priorities. Magnum’s suite of automated management solutions includes DIAGNOSEIT®, COORDINATOR™, CAP-TREND®, and its flagship product, ADVANTAGE®. Magnum’s software solutions are designed to easily integrate with and enhance the effectiveness of existing management platforms by monitoring and measuring IT performance from a line-of-business perspective. To learn more about Magnum Technologies, visit

About Prevari
Prevari is dedicated to measuring, modeling and managing technology risk as a means to reduce the cost of regulatory compliance and optimizing IT security investments. Prevari has developed the proprietary Risk Analysis Engine (RAE) product and its supporting Technology Risk Manager™ module. KoniKaye Jeschke, President and CEO, was named a Finance & Commerce 2004 Innovator of The Year for development of a breakthrough approach to quantifiably model business technology risk. For more information, visit

Karen Sams
952 400 0234