Eagerly Awaited Novel by William Hearth Ponders Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene
William Hearth’s Much Anticipated Novel Debuts This Spring (2011) Historical romance inferring scandalous romantic links between Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot, heralds arrival of Volume II in William Hearth’s series of fearless historical scholarship. Did their lives represent defiance of rabbinical law?

Nagoya, Japan, November 02, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Novel, historical romance inferring scandalous romantic links between Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot, heralds arrival of Volume II in William Hearth's series of fearless historical scholarship. What if these well-known historical figures, tempted by fate to become lovers, were actually vegetarians; linked by dietary practice to the religious and cultural traditions proffered by Pythagoras, Buddhism and Ahimsa? Did their lives represent defiance of rabbinical law? Such knowledge would demand from us a more conscientious approach to life. Read now, the insidiously artful Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed “Part A” and be ready when “Part B” is released this Christmas. Much anticipated “Novel” arrives in spring 2011.
ORMUS ~ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed “Part A” entices adventurous readers to immerse themselves in emerging historical induction, recasting ancient narrative in a wholly original light. “Part B” of William Hearth's engaging history study series arrives concurrent with a compulsively readable romantic novel.
The novel highlights a potential love triangle between Judas Iscariot (the infamous kiss of betrayal), Mary Magdalene and Jesus himself, whilst touching upon the likelihood of their vegetarian lifestyle and knowledge of a wider, more tolerant world-view of religious tradition.
Hearth is publicizing the arrival of the books in a novel way. He has completed a 40-day vegan juice-fast designed to demonstrate that these ancient ideals remain valid, as a way forward today, and are applicable in averting imminent environmental collapse. Hearth is planning a follow-up fast of 60-120 days, commencing mid-November 2010.
"We will find ourselves amazed at how particular aspects of history are simply ignored by all mainstream encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks; each country, nation-state and its corporatist regime, force-feeding the global population various versions of history as they see fit - i.e. the version that supports a given ruling party’s current private agenda; whereas all the names, places, words and ideas of major significance are literally being written in & out of history on a daily basis." - William Hearth
Many suppose that Mary Magdalene, Judas Iscariot and Jesus Christ were well acquainted. However, beyond a bare mention, conventional history never delves into the precise nature of their relationship. Enter Hearth with his pioneering speculative scholarship and ravishingly romantic fiction:
No historical figure is as polarizing as The Magdalene. Is she a harlot and a witch, as Orthodox tradition depicts her? Or was she Jesus' consort, “The Holy Grail,” as others suggest? For Hearth, she is a priestess and alchemist: an environmentally conscious vegetarian, and precursor to the proud traditions of both environmentalism and feminism.
Hearth having completed exhaustive historical research to prove the plausibility of events presented in his new work of fiction says, “It depends on one’s point view. People tend to see what they want to see. So, ‘Take no man’s word for it!’ Do your own research. Be courageous and ‘Question authority.’”
The Series
“Part A” of ORMUS - The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed is now available. It focuses on how history is written and rewritten to serve the power brokers in any given era.
“Part B” (forthcoming) targets, more concisely, the specific philosophies of Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot. They are viewed as strong religious leaders, rejecting animal sacrifice, whilst espousing complimentary, compassionate (pacifist), oriental-faith traditions.
Embracing a vegetarian diet, The Magdalene goes further, implementing an indispensable, rudimentary environmental consciousness, showing humans how to live lightly on the Earth. “Our ancient planet cannot support the results of modern resource consumption and Mary Magdalene’s beliefs point a way forward for today’s sustainability activists.”
“The Novel” which follows “Part B” is an imaginative narrative, which implies that Judas Iscariot is a disciple of Jesus, who unwitting falls in love with The Magdalene. Judas’ role as part of the Sicarii or Dagger Men, a group of Jewish zealots strongly committed to expelling the Romans from Judea (using Sicarii, or concealed daggers), merits special attention.
Hearth speculates, “At a time when ancient vegetarian philosophies clashed with the Judaic-temple practice of slaughtering innocent animals for blood sacrifice…” one question in particular begs an answer: “What if these star-crossed lovers, were actually vegetarians? Their Way of Life and dietary practices would have caused them to be labeled as heretics and outcasts throughout Judean society as being Blasphemous… A crime punishable by death,” whereas these days, such knowledge might elicit a more conscious, enlightened Way of Life.
Hearth is showing those ideals are still valid. He has just completed a 40-day vegan juice-fast in hopes of drawing attention to his work and to show that humans are capable of living lightly on the Earth.
ORMUS - The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed, “Part A” is available now from Amazon.com. “Part B” will follow this Christmas and the novel in spring 2011. With these books, Hearth makes a stunning, original contribution to both scholarship and to ancient historical fiction and romance.
DAKINI Publications & Booksellers Int’l
ORMUS ~ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed “Part A” entices adventurous readers to immerse themselves in emerging historical induction, recasting ancient narrative in a wholly original light. “Part B” of William Hearth's engaging history study series arrives concurrent with a compulsively readable romantic novel.
The novel highlights a potential love triangle between Judas Iscariot (the infamous kiss of betrayal), Mary Magdalene and Jesus himself, whilst touching upon the likelihood of their vegetarian lifestyle and knowledge of a wider, more tolerant world-view of religious tradition.
Hearth is publicizing the arrival of the books in a novel way. He has completed a 40-day vegan juice-fast designed to demonstrate that these ancient ideals remain valid, as a way forward today, and are applicable in averting imminent environmental collapse. Hearth is planning a follow-up fast of 60-120 days, commencing mid-November 2010.
"We will find ourselves amazed at how particular aspects of history are simply ignored by all mainstream encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks; each country, nation-state and its corporatist regime, force-feeding the global population various versions of history as they see fit - i.e. the version that supports a given ruling party’s current private agenda; whereas all the names, places, words and ideas of major significance are literally being written in & out of history on a daily basis." - William Hearth
Many suppose that Mary Magdalene, Judas Iscariot and Jesus Christ were well acquainted. However, beyond a bare mention, conventional history never delves into the precise nature of their relationship. Enter Hearth with his pioneering speculative scholarship and ravishingly romantic fiction:
No historical figure is as polarizing as The Magdalene. Is she a harlot and a witch, as Orthodox tradition depicts her? Or was she Jesus' consort, “The Holy Grail,” as others suggest? For Hearth, she is a priestess and alchemist: an environmentally conscious vegetarian, and precursor to the proud traditions of both environmentalism and feminism.
Hearth having completed exhaustive historical research to prove the plausibility of events presented in his new work of fiction says, “It depends on one’s point view. People tend to see what they want to see. So, ‘Take no man’s word for it!’ Do your own research. Be courageous and ‘Question authority.’”
The Series
“Part A” of ORMUS - The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed is now available. It focuses on how history is written and rewritten to serve the power brokers in any given era.
“Part B” (forthcoming) targets, more concisely, the specific philosophies of Mary Magdalene and Judas Iscariot. They are viewed as strong religious leaders, rejecting animal sacrifice, whilst espousing complimentary, compassionate (pacifist), oriental-faith traditions.
Embracing a vegetarian diet, The Magdalene goes further, implementing an indispensable, rudimentary environmental consciousness, showing humans how to live lightly on the Earth. “Our ancient planet cannot support the results of modern resource consumption and Mary Magdalene’s beliefs point a way forward for today’s sustainability activists.”
“The Novel” which follows “Part B” is an imaginative narrative, which implies that Judas Iscariot is a disciple of Jesus, who unwitting falls in love with The Magdalene. Judas’ role as part of the Sicarii or Dagger Men, a group of Jewish zealots strongly committed to expelling the Romans from Judea (using Sicarii, or concealed daggers), merits special attention.
Hearth speculates, “At a time when ancient vegetarian philosophies clashed with the Judaic-temple practice of slaughtering innocent animals for blood sacrifice…” one question in particular begs an answer: “What if these star-crossed lovers, were actually vegetarians? Their Way of Life and dietary practices would have caused them to be labeled as heretics and outcasts throughout Judean society as being Blasphemous… A crime punishable by death,” whereas these days, such knowledge might elicit a more conscious, enlightened Way of Life.
Hearth is showing those ideals are still valid. He has just completed a 40-day vegan juice-fast in hopes of drawing attention to his work and to show that humans are capable of living lightly on the Earth.
ORMUS - The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed, “Part A” is available now from Amazon.com. “Part B” will follow this Christmas and the novel in spring 2011. With these books, Hearth makes a stunning, original contribution to both scholarship and to ancient historical fiction and romance.
DAKINI Publications & Booksellers Int’l
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