Baby Fingers: Sign Language Interpreting Services

New York, NY, November 25, 2010 --( Lora Heller, founding director of Baby Fingers LLC, has contracted a certified interpreter to more fully meet the needs of Deaf clients and families. While Baby Fingers instructors have always been proficient in American Sign Language (ASL), and a few of the teachers are Deaf themselves, providing an interpreter brings the program to a higher level. Interpreting is a very complex task that requires more than just knowing sign language. The process of translating a message from one language to another requires a high level of proficiency in both languages, as well as knowing principles of accurate interpretation. Now Baby Fingers opens the doors to more members of the Deaf community to benefit from the educational and creative programs offered.

To learn more about how to access this amazing program, take a look at

Baby Fingers
Lora Heller