Budget is Not a Four Letter Word

Denver, CO, January 26, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Widowed, broke, mother of three…several years ago, this would have described author, Staci Nauman. Not any more. Today she is financially stable and teaching others how they, too, can take back control of their personal finances and live within their means no matter what their paycheck reads.

So, how do you go from less than nothing to financially stable? According to Staci Nauman, author of, “Making it Work… The First Steps to Gaining Control of Your Finances,” it’s a matter of getting back to the basics and putting forth a conscious effort to control the spending.

Think about it, millionaires do not become millionaires by spending every dime they bring in. Consumer spending and debt are at an all time high! It’s no wonder the vast majority Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. With some dedication and the right tools, though, anyone can learn to earn, save and spend, and put themselves on the road to wealth and prosperity.

This book is different from the thousands of financial self-help books available in that it does not focus on investments, real estate or how to get rich quick. But rather it is a guide to help people manage the paycheck they are already earning, live within their means and get to the point where investments and advisors become a reality.

In this book, Staci shares her story of becoming a single mother, losing everything and how she rebuilt it from the ground up. Through the process she has become a master at managing the day to day finances and has learned that anyone can take back control regardless of their situation.

Today, she resides with her husband and three children in Reno, Nevada. She teaches classes on basic money management through her local community college as well as to local high school students in an effort prepare them for their own financial future. For more information please visit www.stacinauman.com.

Staci Nauman
12020 Anthem Dr.
Sparks, NV 89441

P: 775-424-3081
F: 775-424-3648

ISBN: 1432700111
Retail Price(s): $10.95
Size and Format(s): 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback
Page Count: 84
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, www.outskirtspress.com

Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704