The Bogside Artists in the USA

The Bogside Artists of Derry, N. Ireland, return from a month long whirlwind tour of Chicago, Hanover and Miami where they gave presentations of their work and painted murals.

Londonderry, United Kingdom, November 30, 2010 --( The Bogside Artists of Derry, N. Ireland, have just returned from the USA. The three men painted two murals and gave several talks to eager audiences in Chicago, Madison, Hanover College and Miami’s University of Art and Design. In all venues they were greeted with a standing ovation. For Chicago’s Irish festival of books, art and music (IBAM) they painted a large mural depicting Brian Friel, Seamus Heaney and John Hume with their peace mural as the central focus. This will be housed at the highly impressive Irish Association’s building. For Hanover College they painted a mural on the theme of "freedom of expression". Said spokesman Tom Kelly; "We believe from our own experience that this will become the issue of the 21st century. The bedrock of our entire democratic system is freedom of speech which is increasingly at the mercy of high power legal players and unscrupulous thieves of the spiritual produce of individuals in the publishing and media fields. Our experience with J.K. Rowling’s lawyers Schillings, Miami’s Scope Fair organizers, our experience in China and our experience with Irish and UK newspapers leave us in no doubt about this whatever. Freedom of speech is the central issue of our times, make no mistake. People who imagine it is under threat only in North Korea or Cuba or China need to take a rain check." The Bogside Artists will be returning to the US next year to give more presentations and paint more murals.

The Bogside Artists
Tom Kelly
The Bogside Artists can also be contacted via their website.