Radarsign™ Driver Feedback Signs Will be Making School Zones in Atwater, CA - and Across the Nation - Safer by Slowing Speeding Drivers
Whether purchased to combat speeding drivers in a single location or obtained en masse as part of a comprehensive school-zone safety initiative, Radarsign™ is the traffic-calming solution of choice for more and more communities. The manufacturer of the world’s first armored driver feedback sign, Radarsign products remind drivers to slow down in school zones including those in the City of Atwater, CA. and near Centennial High School in Las Vegas, NV.
Alpharetta, GA, December 13, 2010 --(PR.com)-- School zones are particularly vulnerable to speeding dangers and are strongly associated with drivers “doing the school run,” a drive identified as one of the top “autopilot journeys.” A Churchill Insurance study reveals that, on average, drivers make eight journeys on familiar routes each week. While traveling on these familiar routes, 46 percent of drivers say they are most likely to have no recollection of how they got to their destination. Autopilot drivers regularly break the speed limit, brake too late and don’t stop at pedestrian crossings. (Churchill study: http://www.radarsign.com/Pages/NewsRoom/WhitePapers/Radarsign-White-Paper-Traffic-Calming-Trends-Radar-Speed-Signs-As-Nuerobehavorial-Activators.pdf).
With a focus on avoiding tragedy, Atwater’s local elected and law-enforcement officials determined that existing speed limit signs were insufficient in calming traffic in school zones. As a result, the city is installing 14 Radarsign driver feedback signs —two for each of the city’s seven schools. For the community surrounding Centennial High School, the Radarsign purchase is to help prevent future speeding accidents, like the tragic automobile crash that claimed the life of a promising young student in 2010. Galvanized by the loss of such a young life, community leaders worked with the school and the city to purchase and install the much-needed radar driver feedback sign.
Radarsign products are rugged, effective and—importantly—cost efficient. Low start-up costs with no scheduled maintenance expenses provide a high return on investment, which is attractive for single or multi-sign solutions. For school locations, Radarsign’s “Safety In A Box” is an ideal choice (Safety In A Box: http://radarsign.com/Files/Documents/SafetyInABoxPdf.pdf). The easy-to-order option requires no configuration and is a turn-key package for the end user. This all-inclusive option has everything needed for installation except the shovel and the concrete. Installation requires only digging a hole, pouring the concrete and installing the sign.
About Radarsign
In 2004, Atlanta-based Radarsign™ established new industry standards for traffic-calming solutions with the debut of the world’s first armored driver feedback signs, which are vandal, weather and bullet-resistant. The industry’s most durable radar signs are also the most ecological. Radarsign’s MUTCD-compliant products—the industry’s most energy-efficient—are made in the USA and utilize recycled aluminum, innovative LED refractor technology, minimal battery power and solar panels to deliver bright, easy-to-read feedback to drivers. Radarsign has been entrusted to provide safe and effective traffic-calming solutions for: municipalities, treasured national parks, children and families at schools and in neighborhoods, military bases that protect homeland security, and private and public development projects across the U.S., Canada and overseas. www.Radarsign.com.
Media contact: Robin Tracy Public Relations - Tracy Clement TClement@RobinTracy.com 770-401-8753 or Jocelyn Broder 980-207-9834
With a focus on avoiding tragedy, Atwater’s local elected and law-enforcement officials determined that existing speed limit signs were insufficient in calming traffic in school zones. As a result, the city is installing 14 Radarsign driver feedback signs —two for each of the city’s seven schools. For the community surrounding Centennial High School, the Radarsign purchase is to help prevent future speeding accidents, like the tragic automobile crash that claimed the life of a promising young student in 2010. Galvanized by the loss of such a young life, community leaders worked with the school and the city to purchase and install the much-needed radar driver feedback sign.
Radarsign products are rugged, effective and—importantly—cost efficient. Low start-up costs with no scheduled maintenance expenses provide a high return on investment, which is attractive for single or multi-sign solutions. For school locations, Radarsign’s “Safety In A Box” is an ideal choice (Safety In A Box: http://radarsign.com/Files/Documents/SafetyInABoxPdf.pdf). The easy-to-order option requires no configuration and is a turn-key package for the end user. This all-inclusive option has everything needed for installation except the shovel and the concrete. Installation requires only digging a hole, pouring the concrete and installing the sign.
About Radarsign
In 2004, Atlanta-based Radarsign™ established new industry standards for traffic-calming solutions with the debut of the world’s first armored driver feedback signs, which are vandal, weather and bullet-resistant. The industry’s most durable radar signs are also the most ecological. Radarsign’s MUTCD-compliant products—the industry’s most energy-efficient—are made in the USA and utilize recycled aluminum, innovative LED refractor technology, minimal battery power and solar panels to deliver bright, easy-to-read feedback to drivers. Radarsign has been entrusted to provide safe and effective traffic-calming solutions for: municipalities, treasured national parks, children and families at schools and in neighborhoods, military bases that protect homeland security, and private and public development projects across the U.S., Canada and overseas. www.Radarsign.com.
Media contact: Robin Tracy Public Relations - Tracy Clement TClement@RobinTracy.com 770-401-8753 or Jocelyn Broder 980-207-9834
Tracy Clement
Tracy Clement
