Media Connect Resurfaces on Pushing Major Initiatives
Media Connect launches website to post Change Initiatives across 4 Industries Today.
New York, NY, January 29, 2007 --( Media Connect, who sprung out of New York New Media Association in 2000, tackles the fundamental obstacles to a gainful roll out of Digital Age- Internet 2.0. Today Media Connect launches in order to rally for the completion of mandates that require assignment of goals and timetables. addresses major targets of 4 major industries- Pharmaceutical, IT/Telecom Convergence, Finance, and Global Relations. Key agenda will be posted for critique and action.
Iniative T1 begins on Monday Jan. 29 to challenge existing AMA targets for major changes in cancer protocols through pragmatic assessment of unreasonable regulatory constraints holding back Pharma. 2.0 genomic cancer cures. On the basis of risk management Basel 11 criteria, and the outstanding new pharmaceutical genomic breakthroughs- Media Connect advances the requirement of the Pharma Industry to face legal imperatives to force FDA to modernize drug approvals through new protocols that pre-approve some superior drug catagories on the basis of their SAP plans. Media Connect argues that fact that many existing treatments have poor efficacy and baseline statistics supporting their continued use. Rather than continue on the current trend to mitigate bad treatments with combining alternative medical treatments, etc.- Media Connect advances her firm platform to push the next generation drugs forward for not only cancer, aids, hepatitis, and diabetis, but also for obesity and other degenerative diseases. Oppenheimer is mentioned as a source for techno aggregators and Medical Advocacy Groups to gain data on existing Pharma. companies already in Phase 3 status.
Media Connect will tackle the first chosen area- T1, by first contacting relevant alliance partners and Tech industry aggregators in order to qualify the needs of existing pharmaceutical research with the goal of accelerating timetables in order to keep Pharmaceutical Development solvent. Because Federal Regulatory criteria has caused undo amount of delays due to unrealistic and unfair criteria- the object of Media Connect T1 Initiative is to rally for changes to accelerate the fully developed Pharma 2.0 cancer cures and other progressive improvements to existing "deadly" and inhumane treatments. The ultimate criteria of humane cancer treatments demands the immediate marketing of the fully developed genomic order Pharma. innovations. Other ethical treatments for many other disease also demandan accelerated federal regulatory protocols to insure the future of pharma. innovation in reaching the marketing stage of long and bitter trial stages. For examples- AIDS, hepatitis, diabetis, obesity, and psychosis are some of the prime areas that demand modernized FDA protocols to bring better medicine to the market in 2007.
On the basis of progress and the poor efficacy of existing protocols, the ultimate aims of Media Connect T1 Initiative is to save Pharma Stocks through a pragmatic legal approach to gain Federal agreement on modernized protocols to bring better treatments to market according to financial timetables set by Basel 11 regulations, among others. Although newer integrative practises are helping save lifes- Media Connect founder Ms. Moore reiterates that they should be combined with the most modern and advanced treatments already ready for market. The undue delays in putting pipeline pharma. innovations into the Physicians' suite of treatment options have caused undue suffering and also financial peril for Pharma. stocks, their financiers, and supporters.
Contact: Valerie Song Public Relations
Phone: 206.337.0220
Iniative T1 begins on Monday Jan. 29 to challenge existing AMA targets for major changes in cancer protocols through pragmatic assessment of unreasonable regulatory constraints holding back Pharma. 2.0 genomic cancer cures. On the basis of risk management Basel 11 criteria, and the outstanding new pharmaceutical genomic breakthroughs- Media Connect advances the requirement of the Pharma Industry to face legal imperatives to force FDA to modernize drug approvals through new protocols that pre-approve some superior drug catagories on the basis of their SAP plans. Media Connect argues that fact that many existing treatments have poor efficacy and baseline statistics supporting their continued use. Rather than continue on the current trend to mitigate bad treatments with combining alternative medical treatments, etc.- Media Connect advances her firm platform to push the next generation drugs forward for not only cancer, aids, hepatitis, and diabetis, but also for obesity and other degenerative diseases. Oppenheimer is mentioned as a source for techno aggregators and Medical Advocacy Groups to gain data on existing Pharma. companies already in Phase 3 status.
Media Connect will tackle the first chosen area- T1, by first contacting relevant alliance partners and Tech industry aggregators in order to qualify the needs of existing pharmaceutical research with the goal of accelerating timetables in order to keep Pharmaceutical Development solvent. Because Federal Regulatory criteria has caused undo amount of delays due to unrealistic and unfair criteria- the object of Media Connect T1 Initiative is to rally for changes to accelerate the fully developed Pharma 2.0 cancer cures and other progressive improvements to existing "deadly" and inhumane treatments. The ultimate criteria of humane cancer treatments demands the immediate marketing of the fully developed genomic order Pharma. innovations. Other ethical treatments for many other disease also demandan accelerated federal regulatory protocols to insure the future of pharma. innovation in reaching the marketing stage of long and bitter trial stages. For examples- AIDS, hepatitis, diabetis, obesity, and psychosis are some of the prime areas that demand modernized FDA protocols to bring better medicine to the market in 2007.
On the basis of progress and the poor efficacy of existing protocols, the ultimate aims of Media Connect T1 Initiative is to save Pharma Stocks through a pragmatic legal approach to gain Federal agreement on modernized protocols to bring better treatments to market according to financial timetables set by Basel 11 regulations, among others. Although newer integrative practises are helping save lifes- Media Connect founder Ms. Moore reiterates that they should be combined with the most modern and advanced treatments already ready for market. The undue delays in putting pipeline pharma. innovations into the Physicians' suite of treatment options have caused undue suffering and also financial peril for Pharma. stocks, their financiers, and supporters.
Contact: Valerie Song Public Relations
Phone: 206.337.0220
Media Connect
Windy Moore
cell: 310.403.0853
PR contact: Valerie Song PR
phone: 206.337.0220
Windy Moore
cell: 310.403.0853
PR contact: Valerie Song PR
phone: 206.337.0220
