Audio Architects Bome Software Release New Free Christmas Greeting Application for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
New application allows users to record, customize and send Christmas-themed voice messages, providing a unique, free and green alternative to Christmas cards.
San Diego, CA, December 10, 2010 --( Germany based software developers Bome Software--creators of various professional audio generation & editing utilities--have just released the new, iPhone application Christmas Greeting -- After the Beep! ( which applies Bome’s powerful audio processing techniques to a holiday-themed consumer mobile application. Christmas Greeting allows users to record a voice message, mix and remix their message with combinations of 15 background holiday tunes, 11 locations (like Santa's Sleigh, Christmas Party and Heaven) and 17 greeting wrappers (like the printed text on a greeting card. Users can then share their message directly to voicemail through a process called VoiceText, or through Facebook, Twitter or email.
From the website:
“Christmas Greeting is an easy and fun tool for sending out holiday invitations, reaching out to business associates, telling your friends and family "Merry Christmas," revealing your Christmas wish list, sending thank you notes, and just for having some holiday fun. Forget the stress (and cost!) of buying, signing and mailing Christmas cards this year...Christmas Greeting is as personal as a Christmas card and as easy as a text message. ”
Bome hopes to spread this free, promotional version of the parent app After the Beep! to an international audience looking for new ways to reach out to friends, family and acquaintances this holiday season. Bome stresses that there is only one link to their parent app in Christmas Greeting, and that they do not advertise in messages.
For more information on Christmas Greeting -- After the Beep!, including a more detailed feature list and usage examples, please visit To download or view Christmas Greeting -- After the Beep! in the iTunes Store, please visit
From the website:
“Christmas Greeting is an easy and fun tool for sending out holiday invitations, reaching out to business associates, telling your friends and family "Merry Christmas," revealing your Christmas wish list, sending thank you notes, and just for having some holiday fun. Forget the stress (and cost!) of buying, signing and mailing Christmas cards this year...Christmas Greeting is as personal as a Christmas card and as easy as a text message. ”
Bome hopes to spread this free, promotional version of the parent app After the Beep! to an international audience looking for new ways to reach out to friends, family and acquaintances this holiday season. Bome stresses that there is only one link to their parent app in Christmas Greeting, and that they do not advertise in messages.
For more information on Christmas Greeting -- After the Beep!, including a more detailed feature list and usage examples, please visit To download or view Christmas Greeting -- After the Beep! in the iTunes Store, please visit
Bome Software
John Pezzetti
John Pezzetti
