Visionary Enterprises Announces the "Light Your Legacy" Fundraising Campaign to Light and Endow the "Other" Hollywood Sign in the Entertainment Capital of the World

Visionary Enterprises is assisting the non-profit Yucca Corridor Coalition to raise funds from a single endowing donor to light and maintain the 30-foot triangular "Hollywood" tower sign on the northern "Gateway to Hollywood" located at the intersection of Cahuenga Blvd., Wilcox Ave. and Franklin Ave., seen annually by millions of residents, businesses and visitors to Hollywood, CA.

Los Angeles, CA, December 18, 2010 --( “Light Your Legacy!” is a fundraising initiative spearheaded by Visionary Enterprises to raise funds to light and maintain the "other" Hollywood sign in the Entertainment Capital of the World. ( Visionary Enterprises is a project management company dedicated to proprietary projects, joint ventures and strategic alliances, and brings more than 35 years experience serving entrepreneurs, small businesses and non-profits with business strategy and development to this fundraising campaign.

Visionary Enterprises, in collaboration with the non-profit Yucca Corridor Coalition of Property Owners and Managers (YCC), is embarking on an end-of-year (2010) campaign seeking a singular primary individual, company or organizational donor whose donation will complete and maintain the landscaping of the northern “Gateway to Hollywood” including lighting the 30-foot tower “Hollywood” sign in perpetuity, in the donor’s name.

The northern “Gateway to Hollywood,” located at the intersection of Cahuenga Blvd., Wilcox Ave. and Franklin Ave., greets millions of visitors annually as they arrive or leave Hollywood from the north, and as they visit and return from the Hollywood Bowl.

YCC is a 510 (c) 3 and 509 (a) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Hollywood, CA for residents, business owners and managers, and visitors. Donations to the YCC are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

According to Merle Singer, YCC President: “As one of it’s community beautification programs, the YCC, in collaboration with the city of L.A., broke ground for its upgrade of the ‘Gateway to Hollywood’ triangular median in 2002 and erected the 30-foot ‘Hollywood’ triangular tower sign in March, 2003. Since then, the sign has remained unlit due to budget constraints. We’re extremely glad that Visionary Enterprises has stepped in to assist us in lighting the sign and raising the funds necessary to endow the upgrades to and maintenance of the ‘Gateway to Hollywood’ and the sign in perpetuity.”

Jay Aaron, CVO of Visionary Enterprises, stated: “Visionary Enterprises is both proud and excited to bring more then 35 years of experience in project creation, development and management to help YCC raise the funds necessary to light the ‘HOLLYWOOD’ sign and fulfill their larger commitment to improving Hollywood for those who visit and those who live there. We’ve designed this campaign (at http://LightYourLegacy ) around the ability of an individual, company or organization to leave as part of their legacy a light that will be a beacon to residents and visitors for their own lifetime and beyond.”

To learn more about the “Gateway to Hollywood” and about how to apply to become the endowing donor who will be credited with lighting the “Hollywood” sign and receive the 2010 fiscal year tax benefits, visit

For media inquiries, or to arrange for an interview, please contact Jay Aaron at 310 . 766 . 3404.

Visionary Enterprises
Jay Aaron