Theoretical Chemist, Todd Gooch, Submits His Data to the Nobel Committee via Social Media and Youtube Video

Los Angeles, CA, December 21, 2010 --( Theoretical chemist, Todd Gooch, submits his data for review by the Nobel Committee in Chemistry using the platform of social media and Youtube. Unlike other scientists, Gooch makes predictions and gives hard data, without reservation. "The youtube video containing my data that I submit for review by the Nobel committee in chemistry - here via social media and the internet - may be found at or My prediction is simple, I predict that electrons are shaped like triangles and that these triangular electron phenomena will be observed in higher resolution non-invasive cryomicroscopy photography. Cryomicroscopy photography is predicted to have increases in the resolution of the technique and these triangles on the surface of the atoms should come into focus to confirm my molecular theory soon, possibly within the next several years or less. I estimate that these triangles will be seen as the resolution of the technique increases to 2 1/2 times its current resolution, or between 1/16 and 1/32 Angstroms, though this is a rough estimate."

Todd Gooch
Macarthur Award Scout